#ToolTip: Thirty free or fee sources for #stockPhotos for #diverse representation, including:
• Centre for Ageing Better
• Disability Inclusive Stock Photography
• Disabled and Here
• Faces of Travel | Delta Air Lines
• #GBVinMedia: gender-based violence
• The Gender Spectrum Collection (fee) | Vice
• Nappy.co: Black and brown people
• NativeStock Pictures: Indian Country
• Plus Size Stock Photos | AllGo
• UKBlackTech
• WOC in Tech
#consciousstyleguide #consciousdesign #GBVinMedia #diverse #stockphotos #Tooltip
The Hollywood Reporter interviewed me in 2019 for its first-ever "Agents of Change" piece on diversity and inclusion. During the call, I referred them to my friend and adviser #HenryFuhrmann, aka the #HyphenKiller for his "Drop the Hyphen in 'Asian American'" article for #ConsciousStyleGuide. We eagerly awaited publication, but nothing came of the interviews. Or so we thought.
Today, I found a PDF of the article. I wish Henry was here so I could tell him. Miss you, Henry.
#editing #APStylebook #consciousstyleguide #hyphenkiller #henryfuhrmann
I love talking about why I created #ConsciousStyleGuide for writers and editors and how I use #consciousLanguage as a tool for equity. Here's my Q&A with #TheObjective, a publication devoted to improving the practice of #journalism.
Read: https://objectivejournalism.org/2023/02/karen-yin/
@edibuddies #Journalists #Writers #Writer #Writing #WritingCommunity #Interview #Editor #Editors #Editing #EditorsOfColor #MediaDiversity #Diversity #Equity
#equity #diversity #MediaDiversity #editorsofcolor #editing #editors #editor #interview #writingcommunity #Writing #writer #writers #journalists #journalism #theobjective #consciouslanguage #consciousstyleguide
Wealth of #Intersectionality and #Language Info!
The English language is changing every day. One way to stay on top of it is to follow the experts.
So here’s my regular plug for @karenyin 's #ConsciousStyleGuide #ConsciousLanguage newsletter, January 2023 edition. A wealth of information at your fingertips. Subscribe to get this right in your inbox!
#intersectionality #language #consciousstyleguide #consciouslanguage
My week has peaked, and it hasn't even begun. The Government of Canada recommends #ConsciousStyleGuide!
"The Conscious Style Guide website is a compendium of developments in the field of inclusive language. It was founded by Karen Yin, who launched both the website and The Conscious Language Newsletter in 2015. Yin encourages us to think critically about using language in order to avoid unconscious bias."
📗 Read: https://www.noslangues-ourlanguages.gc.ca/en/blogue-blog/guide-to-inclusive-writing-resources-eng
#inclusivelanguage #editing #writingcommunity #Writing #consciousstyleguide
Note to self: remember to share news about @karenyin ‘s #ConsciousStyleGuide newsletter with my #editing and #TechWriting friends because it has links to good articles with important talking points. Find the link in the message that I am replying to with this toot. #TechComm #TechComms
#consciousstyleguide #editing #techwriting #techcomm #techcomms
@karenyin Your #ConsciousStyleGuide may be the resource I've been searching for.
Even in recent posts, I've tried to be more deliberate in my word choice to at least limit my default and deeply ingrained ableist language, and it's been more difficult than I'd hoped.
This is an issue that's top of mind for me as I begin to do more personal and public writing.
It isn't easy being a one-person team for several free resources, so when prestigious publications link to my humble websites, it's such a boost. ❤️ Thanks for the nod, #HarvardBusinessReview and Yetunde Hofmann! #Takeaway: "If love, awareness, and respect are actively pursued, exclusionary language…will be at a minimum." #ConsciousStyleGuide
📗 #Read: https://hbr.org/2022/10/how-to-identify-and-eliminate-exclusionary-language-at-work
#ConsciousLanguage #HBR #Diversity #DEI #Editor #Writer #Author #InclusiveLanguage #Business #Entrepreneur #ProTip
#protip #entrepreneur #business #inclusivelanguage #author #writer #editor #DEI #diversity #hbr #consciouslanguage #read #consciousstyleguide #Takeaway #harvardbusinessreview
Hi all! #GivingTuesday is around the corner (Nov. 29). If my free #Writing and #Editing resources have helped you in any way, please #Donate to help support the costs of updating the #ConsciousStyleGuide site and publishing The #ConsciousLanguage Newsletter since 2015. Thanks to donors past and future for making a difference.
:nyancat_rainbow: Donate: https://consciousstyleguide.com/donate
#Respect #Inclusion #Empowerment #Equity #WritingCommunity #Writer #Editor #Teacher #Entrepreneur #Speaker #Publishing
#publishing #speaker #entrepreneur #teacher #editor #writer #writingcommunity #equity #empowerment #Inclusion #Respect #consciouslanguage #consciousstyleguide #Donate #editing #Writing #GivingTuesday
As the founder of #ConsciousStyleGuide, I publish a monthly news digest, The #ConsciousLanguage Newsletter, to help #Writers and #Editors of U.S. English learn more about language that includes, respects, and empowers, especially for talking to and about members of historically excluded groups. I invite you to read a few editions before subscribing: https://consciousstyleguide.com/newsletters/
Thank you for boosting!
#Introduction #Equity #Author #Language #Publishing #Newsletter #English #WritersOfMastodon
#writersofmastodon #english #newsletter #publishing #language #author #equity #Introduction #editors #writers #consciouslanguage #consciousstyleguide