There are people on here who post videos of battles in the #Ukraine war cheerleading the deaths of #Russian soldiers. Calling them #orks. Celebrating death. It makes me ill, and I wonder how #WesternPropaganda can so totally twist their minds to such evil.
All #WarIsARacket perpetuated by those who stand to gain the most — the #elite. Most soldiers on any side of a war are literally just boys and girls. Too young to fully understand the cause or consequence of the wider conflict. Let me be blunt … the cause is sociopathic billionaires fighting for economic hegemony.
The large majority of soldiers, on both sides of this conflict, are #conscripted. Grease for the different sides’ money machines. They are pawns. And they are largely innocent human beings — your nephew, your child, your grandson.
#Shame on those who celebrate the deaths of those caught up in this conflict. They, are the inhumane #orks. They deserve every ounce shame moral human beings can pour upon their evil heads.
#ukraine #russian #orks #WesternPropaganda #warisaracket #elite #conscripted #shame
#USEmbassy in #Moscow urges dual citizens to leave #Russia ASAP or face being #conscripted
#conscripted #russia #moscow #usembassy
#USEmbassy in #Moscow urges dual citizens to leave #Russia ASAP or face being #conscripted
#conscripted #russia #moscow #usembassy
#USEmbassy in #Moscow urges dual citizens to leave #Russia ASAP or face being #conscripted
#conscripted #russia #moscow #usembassy
#USEmbassy in #Moscow urges dual citizens to leave #Russia ASAP or face being #conscripted
#conscripted #russia #moscow #usembassy