Our virtual #ConsentMonth workshop series is kicking off this weekend! Register now to join Kitty Stryker, author of "Ask Yourself: The Consent Culture Workbook," as we discuss what a consent culture is, and how we can implement it with compassion in our day-to-day lives.
To join us, sign up for free at https://firestorm.coop/events/3062-ask-yourself-a-consent-workshop-series.html (link in bio). A copy of "Ask Yourself" is suggested, but not required for participation!
“Ms. Kitty Stryker is a true force of nature. Smart, sassy, saucy, sexy, and to-the-bone honest, hers is a voice that needs to be heard. And she has excellent shoes.”—David Henry Sterry, author of "Chicken: Self-Portrait of a Young Man for Rent"
#ConsentCulture #ConsentWorkshop #Feminism #FeministBookstore #AskYourself #KittyStryker #FirestormCoop (- L)
#consentmonth #consentculture #consentworkshop #feminism #feministbookstore #askyourself #kittystryker #firestormcoop