#consequent : following as a result, inference, or natural effect
- French: conséquent
- German: konsequent
- Italian: conseguente
- Portuguese: consequente
- Spanish: consecuente
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Hier spreekt een #filosoof: “Als ik #iets ben, dan #consequent.” 🤔😂😉
@RoosVonk mooi helder stuk over Tim Fransen. Ik ga al zijn reacties uit m’n hoofd leren #goedeles gaat me helpen, helpt me nú al #consequent 🙂
#consequent : following as a result, inference, or natural effect
- French: conséquent
- German: konsequent
- Italian: conseguente
- Portuguese: consequente
- Spanish: consecuente
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!