Jenny Mathiasson · @curatedjenny
363 followers · 791 posts · Server

Are you even a if you haven't scraped old animal glue off a ceramic for an hour this week? (Just kidding. You are.)

Here's my workbench wonder for the week: a back to his old self.

Happy weekend, folks!

#conservator #ceramic #bull #conservation #beforeandafter #conservationrestoration

Last updated 1 year ago

The C Word Podcast · @thecwordpodcast
29 followers · 4 posts · Server

We've just launched season 13 (woah! you'd think for people who deal with the passage of time in our daily work we'd be less astounded by how long we've been making this ) and our first episode is all about online and what that looks like for and people in 💜 Where do we congregate, and what makes a ?

You can listen here:

#podcast #communitybuilding #conservators #CollectionsCare #community #podcasts #conservation #preservation #communities #conservationrestoration

Last updated 2 years ago

Jenny Mathiasson · @curatedjenny
316 followers · 653 posts · Server

Mothers day isn't really my thing but I thought I'd share this I finished up this week so someone could return it to their mum without a chipped ear: a delightful little project which had some tearful Repair Shop moments to it!

So can be a giftable thing. Tell your friends!

#ceramic #cat #conservation #conservators #ceramics #mothersday #restoration #beforeandafter #conservationrestoration

Last updated 2 years ago