#SCOTUS #LindaGreenhouse Look at What #JohnRoberts and His Court Have Wrought Over 18 Years https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/09/opinion/supreme-court-conservative-agenda.html #democracy #CivilLiberties #healthcare #WomensRights #Justice #Equality #RightWing #ConservativeJudges #SecondAmendent #education "The Supreme Court now is this country’s ultimate political prize. That may not be apparent on a day-to-day or even a term-by-term basis. But from the perspective of 18 years, that conclusion is as unavoidable as it is frightening."
#SCOTUS #lindagreenhouse #johnroberts #Democracy #civilliberties #healthcare #womensrights #justice #equality #rightwing #conservativejudges #secondamendent #Education
In 370 days, Supreme Court conservatives dash decades of abortion and affirmative action precedents
#SupremeCourtDecisions #AbortionPrecedents #AffirmativeAction #ConservativeJudges #DecadesOfPrecedents #JudicialShift #Politics #News
#SupremeCourtdecisions #abortionprecedents #affirmativeaction #conservativejudges #decadesofprecedents #judicialshift #politics #news
Supreme Court’s #Corruption #Scandal Isn’t About #Ethical Niceties. Vast, lavishly funded, 4 decade campaign to stack #FederalJudiciary & especially #SCOTUS w inalterably #ConservativeJudges is the real #corruption here. Sure, more is needed on #ethics front & compliance w ethics rules should not be optional. The issue is #LeonardLeo, #FederalistSociety & a couple of generations of leading #lawyers on right exerting enormous influence over composition of the #judiciary. https://morningmemo.talkingpointsmemo.com/p/the-supreme-courts-corruption-scandal
#Corruption #scandal #ethical #federaljudiciary #SCOTUS #conservativejudges #ethics #leonardleo #federalistsociety #lawyers #judiciary