@AliceMarshall This is the "Vast right-wing conspiracy" Hillary Clinton called out back in the 1990s. The conservatives think it's safe to pop out of their hole. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
Here is an interesting description of MAGA churches that explains what people have observed about them, except the article is so much better than just an observation: "The most pernicious trend in the US currently is the alignment of evangelicals and followers of Ayn Rand”. #MAGA #AynRand #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad https://bellacaledonia.org.uk/2016/12/14/ayn-rand-and-us-evengelicalism-two-sides-of-the-same-worthless-rightwing-coin/
#maga #aynrand #conservativesreallyarethatbad
Sen Tuberville & Sen McConnell holding all those military officer positions open fits this 'government in waiting' story. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
I suppose the billionaires will want a spaceport in their new billionaire city in Solano County, CA #billionaires #AynRand #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad https://www.alternet.org/billionaires-envision-new-utopian-city/
#billionaires #aynrand #conservativesreallyarethatbad
@br00t4c from the article 👆 "Something has gone tragically wrong in the GOP and in the legal profession. At this pace, CPAC will need to hold its next convention in a prison yard" #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
No OB-GYNs left in town: what came after Idaho’s assault on abortion - Idaho legislature continues to introduce and pass bills that criminalize physicians for medical care nationally recognized as standard of care.” #Healthcare #Idaho #WomensRights #WomensHealth #ReproductiveRights #Conservatives #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad #Fail https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/22/abortion-idaho-women-rights-healthcare
#healthcare #idaho #womensrights #womenshealth #reproductiverights #conservatives #conservativesreallyarethatbad #fail
@Toastie 100 years ago the local business owners would have responded to this event in Sacramento by calling out the Pinkerton private police force, in addition to the actual police, to 'knock some heads'. That's the America the conservatives want back. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@crcollins @georgetakei plus the other conservatives and the wealthy class have to defend their policies for the future, which would be tainted by admitting their mouthpiece Trump is a criminal. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@gwensnyder clearly Republicans no longer have any authentic libertarians left if they are bringing back censorship boards. The MAGA are so freaking bossy! It's going to be their downfall. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad #ConservativesRuinEverything
#conservativesreallyarethatbad #conservativesruineverything
@br00t4c Conservitives always seem upset when anyone but them has money. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@gwensnyder Matt Walsh is one dangerous MAGA, trying to incite violence like that. I wonder if that Utah MAGA guy (RIP) listened to Matt Walsh? #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@mattsheffield Ayn Rand's Objectivism is part of the modern conservative dogma. The current American MAGA is a mix of fascism, objectivism, religious fundamentalism & racism. The whole is greater than the parts, so the the victims of each - ism get combined into MAGA dogma along with the anti human rights, anti-democracy tenants of MAGA.#MAGA #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
#maga #conservativesreallyarethatbad
The Republican 'never trumpers' act like defeating Trump also defeats MAGA. That's not true as the meaning has evolved & everyone else knows it but them. MAGA is an American movement that combines particular elements of fascism, objectivism, talibanism, nazism. Defeating Trump does not defeat MAGA. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@br00t4c These are the types that would cheer a USA loss. They are not really Americans. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@TodayInTwitter I like it when people use a hate group name followed by the phrase 'and other conservatives'. It makes me laugh. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@realTuckFrumper I did see someone propose that the Conservatives plan to hold those military positions open so when they win the presidency they can appoint MAGA officers in those slots. It's what McConnell did to Obama with judges. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@mcnulla @fivetonsflax @mekkaokereke That's fine. As long as you vote anti-conservative, that's all that counts. It's not just the overt MAGA, it's their GOP fellow travelers also. The dems are not totally competent by any means, but that's the only pro-democracy coalition we have. Recall seeing other countries in the TV news where there is only one desperate pro-democracy party? That's where the USA is right now. The USA conservatives have the upper hand still. #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@aral The conservatives attack on the 'right to read' is apparently following the pattern of the attack on the right to an abortion: close the local brick &. morter facilities, then attack the online access to supplies. Laws requiring personal identification to access adult web sites can easily be used for stopping access to banned books at online libraries also. #libraries #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
#libraries #conservativesreallyarethatbad
@AlessCullen yes. Because worldwide, #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad
@danirabbit The question people need to ask, is after trans people, who are the MAGA fascists coming after next? #ConservativesReallyAreThatBad