It strikes me that the forthcoming #debate and possible #vote on the latest report from the #PrivilegesCommittee scheduled on Monday 10th July will create a particular problem for the #Conservativewhips. The #conservatives are keen to get the byelection in
Mid Bedfordshire out of the way as soon as possible because the longer the delay the greater the chance of their losing it. But #nadinedorries has still not got round to resigning despite having announced she would do so.
#debate #vote #privilegescommittee #conservativewhips #conservatives #nadinedorries
Just watched #nickwatt on #bbcnewsnight say that the delay is deliberate and designed to vex #RishiSunak and the #Conservativewhips!
#nickwatt #bbcnewsnight #rishisunak #conservativewhips