Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
838 followers · 2367 posts · Server

I see Canadian Conservative voters, people who used to support the PCs, who seem to be good people, but cling to the idea that the CPC is that party, that brand of Conservatism - despite all the facts and evidence showing it's not, in fact, a conservative party at all.

The CPC are Reform. Reform is a religious fundamentalist party - not the "we love you" kind of religion, the "you must obey" kind of religion.

I'm sure there were people in Germany who thought the National Socialist Party was socialist. There's a naive trust in names that helps empower far right movements. In Germany, that party executed the socialists. Easier to silence good ideas by eliminating the proponents of them

The CPC is about as Conservative as the German party was Socialist. They are, and have always been, religious fundamentalists that want you to live under their iron thumb. They have more in common than just a lie of a name - they use misinformation and disinformation.

The CPC has effective control over the media, their supporters own all the major outlets. The National Socialists in Germany did too - they can make the news say what they want it to, use it to fear monger about dangers, and foment, encourage, and create those dangers.

We're at a tipping point, where extremists could potentially take control of the country again, and they have all the tools to misinform, to agitate, to create the fear and anger to get the support they need to win, and if they do?

Be prepared. It WILL get ugly. Rational voices will be silenced, propaganda will accelerate, truth will be fear mongering, facts will be irrelevant, and people will be in danger. I doubt the CPC will ever have enough power to affect Canada in the way the Nazi party did Germany

But they could easily get enough power to cause a lot of damage to Canada, and remove any focus on protecting lives from illness, remove our rights to medical care, make racism, sexism, and anger more overwhelming, and backtrack on climate protections.

We do NOT have time to waffle and play, argue about reality. Delays in measures and mitigations? We don't have time. I don't doubt we will figure it out, I just worry that it may already be too late, and giving them time to fail would cement that, no more may be, just too late.

Racism is real, but it isn't based on reality. It is, and always has been, a ploy, a tool, designed to divide people. Racism, classism, otherism... created by extremists to make maintaining power easier. If we fight each other, we won't come for them.

Is it fear mongering to say that people who fear monger, and divide Canadians are dangerous?

No. Fear mongering is when there isn't danger, but you try to make people angry enough to create danger. Warning people that people are trying to create danger isn't fear mongering

It's a warning - they're creating danger to empower themselves. Convoys of people crying about losing freedoms they've never lost. Angry that someone was trying to slow the spread of a virus they've been told isn't real or dangerous. Truth is never fear mongering.

#conservitismisdead #ConservativesLie #canadianpolitics #canadianmediafailed

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
838 followers · 2365 posts · Server

February 5, 2023. Good morning! Some of the things I share on here are pretty extreme, but the political sphere in Canada IS pretty extreme right now. We have Covid denial, Climate Denial, Racism, Lies, Smearing, and Fact Denial coming from right leaning parties. Stay Safe ☮️❤️🍁

#goodmonring #CPCisReform #conservitismisdead #peace #love #canada

Last updated 2 years ago