RT @Veronika_Mrazek
Pleasure to listen to Linnea @LinneaSmeds talk about her research on the genetic load in the Scandinavian wolf population at #ConsGenPop22 🐺
RT @HoggCarolyn
Worrisome times, exciting times.....excellent closing Keynote #ConsGenPop22 by Eduardo Eizirik on carnivore conservation in South America!!
Kirk Lohmueller having a great talk on genetic load and dominance on last day of #ConsGenPop22
RT @RoliRoberts
For those listening to Josephine Pemberton at #ConsGenPop22, here's that @PLOSBiology #RedDeer parturition date paper by @TimotheeBonnet @LoeskeKruuk &co that she just name-checked: https://plos.io/32lBePd @RumDeerResearch
RT @alpineedna
@biancadesanctis showing us that based on #aDNA for the black bear genomes the Mexico populations migrated through the east coast then to Canada after the last glacial refugia...they don't like deserts apparently! #ConsGenPop22
RT @RoliRoberts
For those listening to Josephine Pemberton at #ConsGenPop22, here's that @PLOSBiology #RedDeer parturition date paper by @TimotheeBonnet @LoeskeKruuk &co that she just name-checked: https://plos.io/32lBePd @RumDeerResearch
RT @alpineedna
@laura_epp Lining up how to link modern #eDNA uses to #sedDNA to go back through time and inform conservation and estimate baselines. The tools are ready, let go!! #ConsGenPop22
RT @RoliRoberts
A series of cool stories from @laura_epp at #ConsGenPop22, all based on sedimentary core #eDNA - 50 ky of shifting Larix species in Siberia, historic reindeer decimation in the Arctic, millennial-scale anthopogenic change in Lake Konstanz (invasive spp, eutrophication...)
RT @alpineedna
Marta de Barbara putting #eDNA in perspective of the ability to Nan invasively study #biodiversity #ConsGenPop22
#consgenpop22 #biodiversity #edna
RT @HoggCarolyn
Wonderful insight into the world of population eDNA by @alpineedna. So much to think about 🤔🤔 #ConsGenPop22
RT @RoliRoberts
Day 2 of #ConsGenPop22 kicks off with a session on #eDNA. Marta de Barba looked at the history, challenges & applications of eDNA. @alpineedna explored the inference of population structure from eDNA, incl v interesting insights into the relationship between lakes & rivers.
Marta de Barba opening an interesting session on environmental DNA at #ConsGenPop22 #conservation #genetics #population
#consgenpop22 #conservation #genetics #population
RT @RoliRoberts
#ConsGenPop22 - patterns of adaptation in our closest relative (chimp, @H_Ostridge) and the ancestor of our best friend (grey wolf @andersbrgstrm) - contrasting stories, as chimp populations are bounded by rivers, but wolves cross the globe via Siberia.
RT @HoggCarolyn
Awesome talk by @H_Ostridge about chimpanzee adaptation to environment using faecal samples - investigating signatures of selection #ConsGenPop22
RT @HoggCarolyn
Great way to end the first day of #ConsGenPop22 @andersbergstrm presenting genomic data for Gray wolves over the past 100,000 years!!
RT @ScienceisGlobal
So sorry to have missed out on seeing in person the best colleagues ever! I am proud to have contributed to the this amazing conference with the best organizing committee! #ConsGenPop22 https://twitter.com/hoggcarolyn/status/1597996178100355077
RT @HoggCarolyn
@ScienceisGlobal presenting different adaptations of East African cichlids with different radiations & phenotypic diversity comparing evolutionary innovation using whole genomes #ConsGenPop22 Sorry you were not here in person 😉
RT @RoliRoberts
Next at #ConsGenPop22 - @loronet on the population genomic consequences of range expansion (reduced diversity, neutral sweeps, simulation using SLiM...)
RT @RoliRoberts
Great (remote) talk from @ScienceisGlobal "at" #ConsGenPop22, looking at the role of GRN rewiring in ecotype evolution in East African cichlids.