"how is it so easy for you
to be kind to people he asked
milk and honey dripped
from my lips as i answered
cause people have not
been kind to me" — Rupi Kaur
— — — #RupiKaur #quote #quotes #kind #mean #considerate #charitable #cruesl
#rupikaur #quote #quotes #kind #mean #considerate #charitable #cruesl
She asked me one day to tell her what faults she had, as fault spoil people. This struck me, showing me how much she thinks things out. We have had more talks and she has been trying hard to think of what pleases others before what pleases herself and to be nice to people even when she thinks they are not nice to her. She comes to me whenever anything upsets her and we have it out along these lines.
#Books #Quotes #Disability #Kindness #Conscientiousness #Considerate
#Books #quotes #disability #kindness #conscientiousness #considerate
Considerate #community is the milkman delivering milk the night before heavy snow as travel in the morning is unlikely. I sincerely hope he gets a once in a blue moon lie in. #Considerate community is people sharing taxis with strandard kids when buses can't run because roads not kept clear.
Inconsiderate community is late decisions on school closures leaving families with last minute decisions on child care to arrange and dangerous journeys to make.
#community #considerate #snow #snowday #schools #austerity
@grammargirl if the English language doesn't want to stagnate then it must move forward with the times.
"Their" has always been considered an option when referring to a singular person for whom you do not know their #gender
Having become a more popular #pronoun of late just makes it easier to avoid mis-gendering someone.
We've ALL been #misgendered at one time or another for longer or shorter hair. Not a good feel. I choose to be #considerate. 💜
#gender #pronoun #misgendered #considerate
@Steve_Map You have created a #welcoming #map of #introduction. So many people on here are #pet owners #caring and #considerate.
#considerate #caring #pet #introduction #map #welcoming
Cose considerate normali negli Stati Uniti ma stranissime in Italia #cose #considerate #normali #uniti #stranissime #italia #27luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9pdC5zdGFyc2luc2lkZXIuY29tL2xpZmVzdHlsZS81MDc4MDkvY29zZS1jb25zaWRlcmF0ZS1ub3JtYWxpLW5lZ2xpLXN0YXRpLXVuaXRpLW1hLXN0cmFuaXNzaW1lLWluLWl0YWxpYT91dG1fc291cmNlPXJzcy1saWZlc3R5bGUmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1yc3MmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPXJzc2ZlZWQ=
#27luglio #italia #stranissime #uniti #normali #considerate #cose
I venti di guerra si sposano sul Pacifico: è Usa contro Cina per il controllo di due isole considerate strategiche – MAG 24 Informazione Indipendente #venti #guerra #sposano #pacifico #cina #controllo #isole #considerate #strategiche #informazione #indipendente #23maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWFnMjQuZXMvMjAyMi8wNS8yMy9pLXZlbnRpLWRpLWd1ZXJyYS1zaS1zcG9zYW5vLXN1bC1wYWNpZmljby1lLXVzYS1jb250cm8tY2luYS1wZXItaWwtY29udHJvbGxvLWRpLWR1ZS1pc29sZS1jb25zaWRlcmF0ZS1zdHJhdGVnaWNoZS8=
#23maggio #indipendente #informazione #strategiche #considerate #isole #controllo #cina #pacifico #sposano #guerra #venti