Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1513 followers · 4468 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Megapenguinx · @megapenguinx
72 followers · 1471 posts · Server social.linux.pizza

Are there any examples of in or ? Would love to read some papers if you had some

#consilience #ml #probability

Last updated 1 year ago

grimmiges · @grimmiges
118 followers · 212 posts · Server ecoevo.social

Normally wouldn't link any tweet but Annals of Botany really did a nice thread on our last paper. Pure applied in science: NGS SNP , FBD dating using a score of , and chipping in some (cleaned) distribution data for and zone mapping.


#oaks #consilience #Phylogeny #fossils #GBIF #biome #Climate

Last updated 1 year ago

bfred · @bfred
57 followers · 188 posts · Server mas.structuraltrauma.org

@shannonmattern Is *thick-time* a thing, an object of measure, a utilizable frame? Could it be applied to these structures of time embrasure, of future description, mutations, events and transmutations? I see you as an innovator in the juggling of temporalities, of time-presence consilience. Spitballing. Thanks!

#thicktime #spitballing #consilience

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
142 followers · 663 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz


William 's notion of is often mentioned in this connection. It was later picked up by .

's takes some pains to side-step the superficial dichotomy between or and or .

Susan , for instance, tries to integrate them in her concept of .

Well, that's enough isms for one day ...

#foundherentism #haack #consensualism #coherentism #foundationalism #objectivism #pragmatism #Peirce #EOWilson #consilience #whewell

Last updated 2 years ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
227 followers · 860 posts · Server mastodon.au

I’m not sure if Sam is on Mastodon or the Fediverse more widely, but he is a wonderful poet who runs the journal “Consilience” which is about bringing together science and the arts (first link below). He also has a great podcast in the same vein called “The Poetry of Science” (available on all good podcast services) and the associated blog (second link below).



Ok, that’s enough fangirling from me. Just wanted to share the love.

#poetry #poetrycommunity #science #sciencecommunity #steam #thepoetryofscience #consilience

Last updated 2 years ago

Mario Coiro · @Lepidodendron
147 followers · 53 posts · Server ecoevo.social

dear and people, a bit of a poll after a few issues I had with reviewers: are you familiar with the concept of ?

#ecology #Evolution #consilience

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Morse · @petermorse
109 followers · 175 posts · Server aus.social

Hi, I'm Peter - by day I'm a , developing different types of and using . I have a PhD in , specialising in , and another in and . I'm fascinated by and worried about , so I try and make work that explores these to aid understanding. I've made movies about and , and experiment with novel types of and for and applications. By night my magpie interests range across to and , - I read a lot. When I have a free moment, I'm trying to builld an home. Well OK, :)
I'll approve follows if I can get an idea of who you are from your . I'd like friendly polite quality in my feed, not random quantity. That seems to be one of the best things about ! !

#lists #introduction #sciartist #science #heritage #visualizations #gameengines #fulldome #xr #computationalgeophysics #datavisualization #semiotics #arthistory #antarctica #wilderness #digitalheritage #climatechange #darkmatter #aboriginalsonglines #immersivemedia #hci #museum #glam #Astrodon #ml #cognitiveneuroscience #consilience #literature #philosophy #offgrid #shack #mastodon #mathstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

JeanTangerine · @JeanTangerine
33 followers · 230 posts · Server sfba.social

#"Technology is not values neutral: Ending the reign of nihilistic design": consilienceproject.org/technol

#consilience #tech #design

Last updated 2 years ago