Sometimes all you need for exceptional results is average effort repeated for an above-average amount of time. #habits #consistency
-- James Clear
#habits #consistency #randomquote
ISO-8601 here, but ... 6-digit years? With leading zeroes?? That's just silly. You use leading zeroes on HH:MM(:SS) so that the length doesn't change *and because they rollover* in a way that years do not. Pre-pending irrelevant zeroes to years is crazy. Crazier than all those other formats.
It's like MAC addresses - pick one format then stick w/it (I vote for colons-between-bytes for MAC but am OK w/others & ISO-8601 in the latter).
Issues with Agnostic Atheism by Answers In Reason #atheism #agnosticatheism #bop #burdenofproof #philosophy #issues #behaviour #consistency #logic #rationality #scepticism #skepticism #agnosticatheist #atheist #belief #epistemicjustification #justification #rationalbelief #boj #burdenofjustification #epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #answer #answers #agnostic #epistemicjusticfication #justificiation #contradiction #language #mind
#atheism #agnosticatheism #bop #burdenofproof #philosophy #issues #behaviour #consistency #logic #rationality #scepticism #skepticism #agnosticatheist #atheist #belief #epistemicjustification #justification #rationalbelief #boj #burdenofjustification #epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #answer #answers #agnostic #epistemicjusticfication #justificiation #contradiction #language #mind
At the plate #Athletics shortstop Nick Allen made his #MLB debut last season with OAK, batting .207 over 100 games. So far this season, he's batting .207 in 47 games played. #Consistency
Golf Swing Consistency
#Consistency #Golf #GolfSkills #golfskillsvideos #golfskillsvlog #golfskillsYouTube #GolfSwing #golfswingvideos #golfswingvlog #golfswingYouTube #Swing
#consistency #golf #golfskills #golfskillsvideos #golfskillsvlog #golfskillsyoutube #golfswing #golfswingvideos #golfswingvlog #golfswingyoutube #swing
Small details that annoy my information architecture brain: in our Jira, the order or assignee / reporter is not the same in the kanban preview vs actual story. I mess up a lot of assignments due to this.
I wonder if there is a reason for that?
@strypey @thegibson > Show me the movie or television character you wanted to be growing up vs the one you wanted to be grown up
Be consistent, don't give up on yourself, and trust that everything happens when it is supposed to... โจ๏ธ๐น
#thewayoftbl #consistency #trust #growth #mindset
I think I just finished the tune selection for episode 168 of the podcast! Most people don't realise how much work it really is to come up with a selection that flows for roughly an hour, month after month, *every* month, especially when I don't repeat records as a matter of policy! Closing in on the fourteenth birthday of the show...continuing to build a solid body of work.
#dj #hiphop #consistency #blackmastodon #BlackFedi
Here's the next Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on book 2 of Seneca's On Anger. One consideration he points out is our inconsistency in getting angry with others for things we ourselves do or at least consider doing
#Anger #Podcast #Seneca #Anger #Stoic #Philosophy #Psychology #Consistency #Stoicism
#stoicism #consistency #psychology #philosophy #stoic #Seneca #podcast #anger
@eisfunke @effjay @avuko @jwildeboer I also think the #Fediverse's biggest problem is its disastrous #consistency.
Each participant sees a different subset of responses and this seriously degrades the quality of discussion.
While, as already mentioned, you can still check the source instance for public discussions, you are completely lost with follower-only posts.
As long as these problems are not solved, the Fediverse is not suitable for the masses.
That's a great quote by Dwayne Johnson!
"Success isn't always about greatness, but rather consistency and hard work. Let's stay focused and committed to our goals, knowing that greatness will come. ๐ช๐
#MotivationMonday #Consistency #HardWorkPaysOff #DwayneJohnsonQuotes
#motivationmonday #consistency #hardworkpaysoff #dwaynejohnsonquotes #coppinitennisacademy
When I pause to reflect, yea, it is marvelous have all this information at my fingertips. But the human side of it remains the same: #hardWork, #humility, #dedication, #consistency, and #gratitude towards industry #teachers. ๐
Now, let's ask #ChatGPT about acing the next exam! ๐ฅธ j/k ๐
#hardwork #humility #dedication #consistency #gratitude #teachers #chatgpt
(Incidentally, Xbench is surprisingly powerful for fixing this stuff, since you can set each line as both translation and glossary, effectively checking everything against itself. The old version is free too ๐)
Satoshiโs Math: How Bitcoinโs Use of Mathematical Tools Ensures System Consistency - Over 14 years ago, Satoshi Nakamoto unveiled the Bitcoin network to the world, cre... - #ellipticcurvecryptography #poissondistribution #synchronization #mathematical #consistency #mathematics #merkletrees #proofofwork #efficiency #encryption #featured #accuracy #integers #bitcoin
#bitcoin #integers #accuracy #featured #encryption #efficiency #proofofwork #merkletrees #mathematics #consistency #mathematical #synchronization #poissondistribution #ellipticcurvecryptography
Talent Is Not The Key To Success. This Is:
Read Here: ๐
#talent #success #consistency #inspiration #mindset #motivation #lifecoaching
#lifecoaching #motivation #mindset #inspiration #consistency #success #talent
"Itโs not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently." โ Tony Robbins
#quote #quotes #TonyRobbins #consistency #mindset #motivation #inspiration #coaching
#coaching #inspiration #motivation #mindset #consistency #tonyrobbins #quotes #Quote
3100 yards today (Monday). Hopefully day 1 of 4 swim workouts this week. Feeling pretty tired in these workouts ... wish I had more energy to go after tougher intervals but it's just not there now, hoping it comes in time. #consistency #swimming
Commintment and succes strategies. #consistency #hardwork #focus #determination #success #health #training #commitment #fitness #love #dedication #motivation #goals #courage #NYC #wayneempire
#consistency #hardwork #focus #determination #success #health #training #commitment #fitness #love #dedication #motivation #goals #courage #nyc #wayneempire
Consistency Unlocks Growth. Here's How To Get Better At It.
#consistency #unlock #growth #better #inspiration #mindset #motivation #coaching
#coaching #motivation #mindset #inspiration #better #growth #unlock #consistency