In this paper, Nina Poth & Krzysztof Dolega argue that maintaining a core can be Bayes when it is embedded in a network of auxiliary beliefs @psychology @philosophy

#rational #conspiracybelief #openaccess

Last updated 1 year ago

¡Que raro! · @raro
368 followers · 212 posts · Server

Just Like January 6, One of the Most Disturbing Aspects of the Right-Wing Coup Attempt in Germany is Who Was Behind It | Religion Dispatches

The US has had to deal with a home-grown attempted coup for the past two years. This week, Germans awoke to headlines that gave them a taste of what their American friends felt on January 6, 2021 as Germany saw its largest anti-terrorism operation carried out by police in recent history. Three thousand police officers searched 130 sites and 25 people have so far been detained by law enforcement on suspicion of the attempted violent overthrow of the government.

#antiterroroperation #raid #conspiracybelief #farright #reichsburger #CoupAttempt #Jan6 #January6th #depol

Last updated 2 years ago

Jakob-Moritz Eberl · @JaMoEberl
321 followers · 67 posts · Server

Emulating etiquette... so a short Introduction:
Hi there,
I do research on , , , , , & the . I am based at . My interest include , & anything . Got quite some if I need to break the Ice. I toot in & . "Mostly" professional stuff but also goofy & commenting day to day politics in . The idea is to do some for society at large.

#slothfacts #mastodon #elections #polcomm #populism #mediaandmigration #conspiracybelief #pandemic #univie #boardgames #birds #SciFi #German #english #austria #sciencecomm #mediabias

Last updated 2 years ago