During the famine of 1879–80, Sir Henry provided free food for the tenants on his estate at Lissadell House in the north of County Sligo in the north-west of Ireland. Their father's example inspired in Gore-Booth and her younger sister, Eva Gore-Booth, a deep concern for working people and the poor. 2/2
#ireland #irishhistory #constancemarkievicz #Sligo #london
Constance Georgine Markievicz (née Gore-Booth) was born at Buckingham Gate in London on 4th February 1868, the elder daughter of the Arctic explorer and adventurer Sir Henry Gore-Booth, 5th Baronet, an Anglo-Irish landlord who administered a large estate in Sligo, and Georgina, Lady Gore-Booth, née Hill. 1/2
#ireland #irishhistory #constancemarkievicz #Sligo #london
On 28th December 1918 Constance Markievicz while detained in Holloway prison, standing for Sinn Féin became the first woman to be elected MP to the British House of Commons. She had pledged not to take her seat.
Photo: Constance Markievicz lapel badge printed for the 1918 general election Credit: National Library of Ireland
#Ireland #IrishHistory #ConstanceMarkievicz #SinnFéin #HouseOfCommons #HollowayPrison
#ireland #irishhistory #constancemarkievicz #sinnfein #houseofcommons #hollowayprison
On 14th December 1918 the election in Ireland saw Sinn Féin win 73 of the 105 seats contested in the general election in Ireland. Constance Markievicz, then imprisoned in Holloway Prison in England, was the first woman elected to Westminster. Sinn Féin refused to take up their seats in Westminster.
#ireland #irishhistory #sinnfein #constancemarkievicz
@Nocta Here's a little history: in 1916, left-wing politics was devastated: important #tradeunionists and leftists like #JamesConnolly, #ConstanceMarkievicz, #FrankSheehySeffington, #RichardOCarroll, #PeadarMacken #HelenaMolony and #BillPartridge were killed (Connolly, O'Carroll, Macken, Sheehy Skeffington outright, Patridge as a result of Bright's Disease made worse by imprisonment) or crushed by imprisonment etc like Markievicz and Molony 1/2
#tradeunionists #jamesconnolly #constancemarkievicz #franksheehyseffington #richardocarroll #peadarmacken #helenamolony #billpartridge