drupalthoughts · @drupalthoughts
68 followers · 139 posts · Server fosstodon.org

there may be an opening for a temp email developer (likely hybrid in ). Since very few use Marketo, I'll also list xp in blah blah as relevant. Posting on mastodon seems like a better place to find smart, terminally online email developers than most other networks!

#marketo #chicago #mailchimp #salesforce #klaviyo #constantcontact #convertkit #blah

Last updated 1 year ago

drupalthoughts · @drupalthoughts
59 followers · 114 posts · Server fosstodon.org

What's our fav free-tier these days? etc? This would be for a bunch of small orgs with lists generally less than 200 members. Currently they're just managing BCC lists from their personal email 🤮

#email #crm #mailchimp #klaviyo #tinyletter #buttondown #constantcontact

Last updated 1 year ago