The first film may not have been very true to the comics, but I still really enjoyed it, so I'm really rather excited for this! Keanu Reeves has aged like fine wine and I can't help but hope that this time they'll do the character justice!
Sometimes you look at a period of #history and just have to ask what the hell was happening, like, why is it that #Rome had a shitload of emperors between 250CE and 300CR? What the hell was going on in the leadup to #Constantine that none of these dudes are lasting for more than a couple years?
My name is John Cat'stantine. And I'm an expurrcist. In my line of work, there are days you just need to forget.
...But some you never will. This is one aspect that is touched on, briefly, by the movie Constantine that I wish was explored further; in one scene John #Constantine travels to the #underworld to find a wayward soul using a #cat as a guide.. because of course, thats one of the powers cats have in that world. The whole notion of cats as a guardian of the #mortal realm from horrors and #demons from others is great.
#demons #mortal #cat #underworld #constantine
By co-opting #Christianity for imperial purposes, #Constantine effectively held the keys to heaven and hell (through enforcement of imperially approved church #doctrines that excluded persons from the #church who held different views), tools which #empires have used through the ages to manipulate the masses and justify imperial expansion and #colonialism under the guise of Christian mission.
#colonialism #empires #church #Doctrines #constantine #christianity
Constantine, Algeria: Mohamed pizzeria | Rating: 5 #pizza #constantine
En su día fue vilipendiada, hoy es una obra de culto:
¿Creéis que está peli de Keanu Reeves merece todos los respetos?
(Segunda parte en marcha por cierto 🙈)
Constantine, Algeria: La diligenza food | Rating: 4 #pizza #constantine
»Komiksowe zapowiedzi na czerwiec’23«
W miniony weekend miały miejsce Warszawskie Targi Książki, a wraz z nimi Festiwal Komiksowa Warszawa. Na szczęście w żadnym w…
#komiks #Metro2033 #Dungeons&Dragons #Constantine #ConanZCymerii #Aberzen #KillPsiŁeb #WieleśmierciLailiStarr #JackZBaśni #Baltimore #Constantine.ZdradliweIluzje #Dungeons&Dragons.CienieWampira #TykkoZPustyni #ZdradliweIluzje #CienieWampira
#komiks #metro2033 #dungeons #constantine #conanzcymerii #aberzen #killpsileb #wielesmiercilailistarr #jackzbasni #baltimore #tykkozpustyni #zdradliweiluzje #cieniewampira
Constantine, Algeria: Kasdal Pizza | Rating: 4.7 #pizza #constantine
#Constantine (2005) was on TV last night, so I watched it. One of the few movies that I would stay up late for it.
Love the movie. 2015 was my first exposure to the Constantine character, so I don't mind the unfaithfulness to the book character, or the choice of the actor and trench coat. It has the best portrayal of an evil angel, and one of the best evil satan/Lucifer (there are just too many good movie satan/Lucifer out there). Love their actors.
The #Titans episode “Game Over” makes repeated mention of #DickGrayson having a friend in London who knows about magic yet will not name them.
#Titans #Constantine #JohnConstantine #HBOMaxTitans #DCTitans #TitansDC #TitansSeason4
#titans #dickgrayson #constantine #johnconstantine #hbomaxtitans #dctitans #titansdc #titansseason4
Détails de la mosaïque représentant le triomphe de Neptune et d'Amphitrite (Ier quart du IVe siècle après J.-C.). Elle a été retrouvée à #Constantine en #Algérie et elle est conservée au #Louvre 🏛 @museelouvre
Today I stumbled upon the mausoleum of Santa Constanza, part of the same complex as Sant Agnese Fuori le Mura in Rome. Lordy. Constanza is stunning:
#WindowFriday #photography #travelphotography #architecture Interior of the #Basilica of #Constantine (Aula Palatina) in #Trier, #Germany
#WindowFriday #photography #travelphotography #architecture #basilica #constantine #trier #germany
Ano była i chciałbym ją już szczerze skończyć @Myriur, bo mnie irytują "trafione" pomysły twórców 🤣. O czym zresztą mówiłem wprost parę razy 😉. Nadrobić możesz tutaj (tylko musisz patrzeć czy akurat graliśmy w #Constantine'a czy nie 😅):
Czy w tę sobotę [tj.11/03/23] o godz.18:00 (UTC+01:00) zobaczymy czy Johnowi "Keanu" Constantine'owi uda się powstrzymać Mammona i armie piekielne przed podporządkowaniem sobie ludzkości. Będzie gorąco 🔥!
#stream #retroSobota #Constantine #zaproszenie
#stream #retrosobota #constantine #Zaproszenie
Muchas ganas de ver una secuela de John #Constantine #hellblazer Una de mis películas favoritas con uno de mis actores favoritos #cine #movies #keanureeves
#constantine #hellblazer #cine #movies #keanureeves