Today's poem:
In 200 B.C.
- by Constantine Cavafy
#AlexanderTheGreat #persia #war #victory #empire #ConstantineCavafy #sparta #spartans #poetry #particularity #singularity #exception #pride #worth
#alexanderthegreat #persia #war #victory #empire #constantinecavafy #sparta #spartans #poetry #particularity #singularity #exception #pride #worth
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc.
I saw this toot on my feed, so here some of mine, even if it’s impossible to choose only 7, in no particular order:
#bookstodon #ursulakleguin #umbertoeco #isaacasimov #jacquelinederomilly #constantinecavafy #georgesand #charlesdickens