#ConstelisVoss is very... different. I wouldn't describe it as you would but maybe you'll get the vibe.
@parityflux @simon well that's bad marketing isn't it? Better marketing would be talking about a really unique book that 100% will _never_ be published in mainstream places because writing about trans robots is not the marketplace gold that you'd hope. But maybe you know someone who would like to read about the work of @begaydocrimes and #ConstelisVoss ? :-?
Please do NOT engage in OPs mentions. It's there, but weirdly the kickback is at people who aren't straight white men. Isn't that wild?
See, block the sealion move on with your life, sadder, but wiser. Maybe visit a REALLY niche indie author and buy their book. #ConstelisVoss
@Wabu @simon it's a fine line between spam and self promotion isn't it?
A friend of mine @begaydocrimes does cool books about trans robots. Want to know more? 😀 #ConstelisVoss
@Rycaut @simon well assuming you don't want dnd books...
Cutting edge trans robot Sci fi can be found with #KiraLeigh and his #ConstelisVoss stuff.
It's potentially niche but you could be reading it before it becomes famous. 😀
Maybe some hashtags to help people find it, and you? :) #trans #robot #transrobot #lgbt #lgbtSF #SpecFic #specFiction #speculativeFiction #KiraLeigh #ConstelisVoss
#trans #robot #transrobot #lgbt #lgbtsf #specfic #specfiction #speculativefiction #kiraleigh #constelisvoss