«Just over half way through interview.. #JohnEastman gets in2 core justification & purpose 4 trying 2 overturn results of #2020election & overthrow the #ConstitutionalOrder itself. He invokes the #DeclarationOfIndependence & says quite clearly that yes, we were trying to #overthrow the government & argues they were justified because of the sheer #ExistentialThreat #America was under because of the election of #JoeBiden.»
#johneastman #2020election #constitutionalorder #declarationofindependence #overthrow #existentialthreat #america #joebiden #insurrection #j6 #republicansaretheproblem
I'm stymied. #AdamSchiff has the legal chops to restore #ConstitutionalOrder but #KatiePorter has the chops to cut #Capitalist #bullshit off at the knees.
#bullshit #capitalist #katieporter #constitutionalorder #adamschiff
@DanielMReck Fundamental & devastating truth for everyone committed to democracy, indeed!
No parliament, no Congress, no sovereign electorate needs & deserves an obsessive, obstructive opposition refusing to contribute to the nation's progress on its way to a sustainable future, facing the biggest & most serious challenges in history.
#Politics #Democracy #Congress #ConstitutionalOrder #DefendDemocracy #UnelectableGOP
#politics #democracy #congress #constitutionalorder #defenddemocracy #unelectablegop