A #Montana judge on Monday sided with young environmental activists who said state agencies were violating their #ConstitutionalRight to a clean and healthful #environment by permitting #FossilFuel development without considering its effect on the #climate.
The ruling following a first-of-its- kind trial in the U.S. adds to a small number of legal decisions around the world that have established a government duty to protect citizens from #ClimateChange.
#montana #constitutionalright #environment #fossilfuel #climate #climatechange
#RCMP arbitrarily decides who's a #journalist & who isn’t & prevented journalists from #accessing sites of #Indigenous resistance. When #media fought back RCMP reduced those barriers only to #obstruct journalists’ ability to #document arrests. #Mounties have aimed guns at journalists. They’ve #arrested & #jailed #reporters for doing their job. These are #incursions on journalists’ & all #Canadians #ConstitutionalRight to a #FreePress 💥
#rcmp #journalist #accessing #indigenous #media #obstruct #document #mounties #arrested #jailed #reporters #incursions #canadians #constitutionalright #freepress #KKKanada #firstnations #defundrcmp
Lawrence O’Donnell did a great job tonight highlighting #SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts’s obtuse #privilege revealed rather revoltingly in last night’s speech.
Article here
#ChiefJustice #JohnRoberts says it was harder for him to decide to have a fence erected around the US #SupremeCourt… than it was to… (strip) women of their #ConstitutionalRight to #abortion.
#scotus #privilege #chiefjustice #johnroberts #supremecourt #constitutionalright #abortion
«On April 5th, #Conservative commentator #AnnCoulter tweeted that "the demand for anti-abortion legislation just cost #Republicans another crucial race," referring to the #Wisconsin #SupremeCourt seat that flipped from #Republican to #Democrat in the election on Tuesday, April 4th. "Pro-lifers: WE WON. #Abortion is not a ‘ #ConstitutionalRight’ anymore! Please stop pushing strict limits on abortion, or there will be no Republicans left."»
#conservative #anncoulter #republicans #wisconsin #supremecourt #republican #democrat #abortion #constitutionalright #republicansaretheproblem
#Texas judge suspends #FDA approval of #abortion pill #mifepristone
Federal lawsuit by conservative groups followed the #SupremeCourt’s elimination of the #ConstitutionalRight to abortion last June
#AbortionRights #AbortionIsEssential #ForcedBirth #HumanRights #JudgeShopping #VenueShopping #FederalistSociety #RightWingExtremism #JudicialEthics #SCOTUS
#texas #fda #abortion #mifepristone #supremecourt #constitutionalright #abortionrights #abortionisessential #forcedbirth #humanrights #judgeshopping #venueshopping #federalistsociety #rightwingextremism #judicialethics #scotus
"On Thursday, a federal judge in #Texas struck down a provision of the #AffordableCareAct ( #ACA ) that requires #HealthInsurance companies to fully cover #PreventiveCare services such as screenings for #cancer, #depression, and #diabetes for free. The decision... argues that mandating coverage for #BirthControl, #PrEP, and #HIV screening violates the #ConstitutionalRight to #ReligiousFreedom.
"(T)he judge's decision... takes effect immediately."
#religiousfreedom #constitutionalright #hiv #prep #birthcontrol #diabetes #depression #cancer #preventivecare #healthinsurance #aca #affordablecareact #texas
Why Was #RoevWade Wrong?
Forthcoming Geoffrey R. Stone and Lee Bollinger, eds., #RoevDobbs: The Past, Present, and Future of a #ConstitutionalRight to #Abortion (Oxford 2023)
#roevwade #roevdobbs #constitutionalright #abortion
Democratic governors in 20 states are launching a network intended to strengthen abortion access in the wake of the U.S. #SupremeCourt decision ending a woman’s #ConstitutionalRight to end a #pregnancy and instead shifting regulatory powers over the procedure to state governments. #AbortionRights #Healthcare #Choice #Privacy #ReproductiveHealth https://apnews.com/article/abortion-us-supreme-court-politics-texas-gavin-newsom-5db36213df3b4de5ad94ebbb53d01d30
#supremecourt #constitutionalright #pregnancy #abortionrights #healthcare #Choice #privacy #reproductivehealth
#Grist: New York’s new #ConstitutionalRight to a clean environment faces first judicial test
A case challenging a landfill provides the first insights into how the courts — and state officials — will interpret the amendment.
Emily Pontecorvo
This reminds me of James Hansen's recent suggestion that a route to climate action through the courts will be more effective than one through legislation.
#Federaljudge says there may still be a #constitutionalright to #abortion: report
#federaljudge #constitutionalright #abortion
Federal judge says constitutional right to abortion may still exist, despite Dobbs
The judge said the Supreme Court’s ruling concluded only that the 14th Amendment included no right to abortion, but stopped short of definitively ruling out other aspects of the Constitution.
#righttoabortion #ThirteethAmendment
#righttoabortion #thirteethamendment #constitutionalright #fourteenthamendment #equalrightsamendment
#Trans Students Should Be Treated With #Dignity, Not #Outed by Their #Schools
Children and adults have a #constitutionalright not to have intimate facts about their lives disclosed without their consent.
#trans #dignity #outed #schools #constitutionalright
More from VP Kamala Harris on the #SCOTUS opinion on #RoeVsWade :
“The Supreme Court decision calls into question other rights that we thought were settled.”
https://twitter.com/kamalaharris/status/1540757298557005824?s=21&t=V6SapjH2NOCVtHrJk-_Q4Q #RoeVWade #abortion #ConstitutionalRight #rights #freedom #FamilyPlanning
#scotus #roevswade #roevwade #abortion #constitutionalright #rights #freedom #familyPlanning
A woman rejected a plea deal after illegally registering to #vote. So she got 6 years in prison.
The DA's office openly admits that #PamelaMoses would be a free woman today—if she hadn't insisted on her #constitutionalright to trial. My latest: https://t.co/piTaACcFWI
#votersrights #Vote #PamelaMoses #constitutionalright