Toiling to jot down words without a particular sign. #111Words #Lipogram #WritingTask #Constraint
#constraint #writingtask #lipogram #111words
Today's poem:
- by Alastair Reid
#daedalus #icarus #poetry #age #adulthood #child #parent #power #constraint #control
#daedalus #icarus #poetry #age #adulthood #child #parent #power #constraint #control
My poem "Art Crimes (A Murder Ballad, or 'Ottava Siciliana') - A #strambotto #form #poem #constraint #poems Originally published in May, 2023 at the UK based Wombwell Rainbow poetry /art/review site Run by @pauldragonwolf1
ty Joel for asking me to post this @joel 🌻
#strambotto #form #poem #constraint #poems
So I created a first draft of Conway game of life as an optimization problem. I knew, that it was not ready yet, because the rating system showed, that the solution had some issues. Nevertheless, I decided to run my renderer on it, in order to get some impressions on the results. The results are not correct, but I have to say, I am quite astonished!
#opensource #optimization #constraint
Survey of Definition and Determination
In the early 1990s, “in the middle of life's journey” as the saying goes, I returned to grad school in a systems engineering program with the idea of taking a more systems-theoretic approach to my development of Peircean themes, from signs and scientific inquiry to logic and information theory.
Two of the first questions calling for fresh examination were the closely related concepts of definition and determination, not only as Peirce used them in his logic and semiotics but as researchers in areas as diverse as computer science, cybernetics, physics, and systems science would find themselves forced to reconsider the concepts in later years. That led me to collect a sample of texts where Peirce and a few other writers discuss the issues of definition and determination. There are copies of those selections at the following sites.
Collection Of Source Materials
Excerpts on Definition
Excerpts on Determination
What follows is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Definition and Determination, with a focus on the part they play in Peirce's interlinked theories of signs, information, and inquiry. In classical logical traditions the concepts of definition and determination are closely related and their bond acquires all the more force when we view the overarching concept of constraint from an information-theoretic point of view, as Peirce did beginning in the 1860s.
#Peirce #Semiotics #Inquiry #Logic #Information #Definition #Determination
#Constraint #Form #Structure #Entropy #Indeterminacy #Uncertainty
#Comprehension #Extension #Cybernetics #SystemsTheory
#systemstheory #cybernetics #extension #comprehension #uncertainty #indeterminacy #entropy #structure #form #constraint #determination #definition #information #logic #inquiry #semiotics #Peirce
Robust Constrained Reinforcement Learning
#constraints #constraint #robust
But seriously. It is a proven fact that just enough #constraint is better for #creativity:
Recent surveys show that managers tend to consider compliance restrictions and a lack of resources as the main obstacles to innovation. This common wisdom suggests eradicating all constraints: by getting rid of rules and boundaries, creativity, and innovative thinking will thrive. Our research, however, challenges this wisdom and suggests that managers can innovate better by embracing constraints.
"I find that when I have any appointment, even an afternoon one, it changes the whole quality of time. I feel overcharged." — May Sarton — — — #MaySarton #quote #quotes #time #appointment #schedule #obligation #imposition #constrain #constraint
#maysarton #quote #quotes #time #appointment #schedule #obligation #imposition #constrain #constraint
The world is taking a form step by step.
Today's poem:
- by William Blake
#WilliamBlake #poetry #school #joys #youth #eagerness #blight #sorrow #seasons #tedium #play #spirit #freedom #constraint
#williamblake #poetry #school #joys #youth #eagerness #Blight #sorrow #seasons #tedium #play #spirit #freedom #constraint
#GeorgeEllis - What is #Causation?
#Science #Physics #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfPhysics #Hume #DavidHume #TopDown #TopDownCausation #BottomUp #BottomUpCausation #Emergence #Reduction #Evolution #Constraint #Adaptation #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #adaptation #constraint #evolution #reduction #emergence #bottomupcausation #bottomup #topdowncausation #topdown #davidhume #hume #philosophyofphysics #philosophyofscience #philosophy #physics #science #causation #georgeellis
These characteristics are attachment to the actual time and repetitiveness. They are enough to discover the #flow of software development work.
When we have a flow, a whole new world of #metrics appears. We also receive a trace we can present with #diagrams and additional characteristics.
This trace allows us to discover the stable state of a #system and its weakest point, #constraint. #Lean view helps us convert the constraint into the non-constraint.
#flow #metrics #diagrams #system #constraint #Lean
So, for games the concept of positions is important, and therefore I'm currently creating a rating that groups variables according to their position 🫶
'Conditions and Assumptions for Constraint-based Causal Structure Learning', by Kayvan Sadeghi, Terry Soo.
#causal #structural #constraint
#causal #structural #constraint
I'm putting out some short and uncomplicated videos on my favourite thing at the moment: CUE!
#Cuelang is a smart #data #constraint #language that /looks/ a bit #JSON shaped, but is actually going to save us all from the dreary, #YaML-eqsue future that /feels/ so inevitable!
Here's a really short video I've just published about a fantastic CUE feature that lets us combine #schemas and concrete values, separately but hierarchically, organising instances in parallel:
#cuelang #data #constraint #language #json #yaml #schemas
Many #entrepreneurs I talk with are worried about getting the funds for their #startups with a #recession over us. But, we need to remember that many successful startups were born in recession periods.
#Downturn periods are often #innovation periods. #Constraint helps boost #creativity, and #investors are willing to bet on who can do more with less. Investors don't go away. They are more focused on "risking" their #money, putting them in the right #venture.
#business #venturecapital #company
#entrepreneurs #startups #recession #downturn #innovation #constraint #creativity #investors #money #venture #business #venturecapital #company
@jcnewmark I want to hear Mary Poppins singing that list! Doesn't rhyme though...
#poetry #haiku #senryu #gogyohka,
#parody #sa-ti-re, #humor and #WordPlay,
#puns #BlankVerse, #FreeVerse, and #meter and #rhyme,
#lipograms #homolit-er-al #constraint
#constraint #homolit #lipograms #rhyme #meter #freeverse #blankverse #puns #wordplay #Humor #sa #parody #gogyohka #Senryu #Haiku #Poetry
Here are a few of my favorite things:
#poetry #haiku #senryu #gogyohka #parody #satire #humor #WordPlay #puns #BlankVerse #FreeVerse #meter #rhyme #lipograms #homoliteral #constraint
#poetry #Haiku #senryu #gogyohka #parody #satire #Humor #wordplay #puns #blankverse #freeverse #meter #rhyme #lipograms #homoliteral #constraint
This poem is in a constraint I created. I call the form a Jenny. Count the syllables and you may guess why. There are 7 lines. Some may be able to guess without counting. If you’re old enough.
I was under too much pressure;
my nose began to bleed.
My smart alecky boss asked
if i needed a
I thanked him for his show of concern.
#poetry #syllabic #jenny #constraint
This poem is in a restraint I created. I call the form a Jenny. Count the syllables and you may guess why. There are 7 lines. Some may be able to guess without counting. If you’re old enough.
I was under too much pressure;
my nose began to bleed.
My smart alecky boss asked
if i needed a
I thanked him for his show of concern.
#poetry #syllabic #jenny #constraint