📣 DNSimple will be on-site at #hashiconf Global Oct.10-12, 2023 in San Francisco! Make sure to come chat about our #terraform and #Consul integration with @HashiCorp. 🎟 Register online 👉 https://hashiconf.com/2023/
Following #hashicorp license change announce, #OpenTF is created to fork #Terraform, but what about #Packer, #Vagrant which I use, or even #Vault or #Consul and #Nomad?
#freesoftware #devops #sysadmin #opensource
#hashicorp #opentf #terraform #packer #vagrant #vault #consul #nomad #freesoftware #devops #sysadmin #opensource
The s390x open source team at IBM confirms the latest versions of software runs well on #Linux on #IBMZ. In July 2023 currency was maintained for 30 projects, including: #Alfresco, HashiCorp #Consul, & the #nginx Ingress Controller
Full report: https://ibm.biz/ibmz-oss-report-july-2023 #LinuxONE
#Linux #ibmz #alfresco #consul #nginx #linuxone
Сьогодні витратив півдня щоб налаштувати та встановити #vault в кластері #Kubernetes на #AWS. З початку думав робити HA версію, але згадав, що з ним постійно якась лажа виходить. Та ще й потрібно щоб був #consul. Мені здається, що навіть для прода standalone версія краще себе показую. Бо бакапи можна робити тупо снапшотом диска, легко та швидко піднімати коли Vault впав. У версії HA постійно завтики з вибором мастера та через це довший старт ніж у standalone версії
#vault #kubernetes #aws #consul
I spent a bit more time playing with and pondering if it was worth using #HashiCorp #Nomad at this time, but I'm not entirely sure it helps me...yet?
Hashicorp #Consul would be useful. No longer having to manage IP addresses, and automating firewalls would be so nice. The way it ties into #Envoy for zero-trust networking is classy. That said I feel there's still some ambiguity to the docs that make tying this all together less obvious than it should be.
#hashicorp #nomad #consul #envoy
A new #howto and #Ansible playbook collection has been published that should show how simple it is to set up a fully functional #VirtualDataCenter on #FreeBSD with #Pot and #Potluck.
Example nodes like #MariaDB, #Prometheus, #Grafana, #Nginx, #OpenLDAP, #Traefik and more are provisioned. #Nomad and #Consul based #container #orchestration is also included.
Last not least nodes communicate via #Wireguard #mesh network (#ZeroTrustNetworking anybody?).
Have fun!
#howto #ansible #virtualdatacenter #freebsd #pot #potluck #mariadb #prometheus #grafana #nginx #openldap #traefik #nomad #consul #container #orchestration #wireguard #mesh #zerotrustnetworking
Today I improved my #hashicorp #nomad #homelab Haproxy config with server-template and #consul resolver (https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/tutorials/load-balancing/load-balancing-haproxy). Saves me n (number of Nomad nodes) lines of code overall 🤓
#hashicorp #nomad #homelab #consul
@fuzzykb this talk is a great idea!
Maybe you want to include #pot and #potluck (https://github.com/bsdpot).
It is #FreeBSD native, supports #orchestration via #Nomad and #Consul and is used productively, e.g. by a financial services startup.
Some more pointers:
https://honeyguide.eu/posts/virtual-dc1/, while the examples are outdated meanwhile, explains the idea
https://www.freebsd.org/status/report-2022-10-2022-12/#_containers_and_freebsd_pot_potluck_and_potman and previous status reports
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0IB0mc2KTE, #EuroBSDCon 2022 talk
#pot #potluck #freebsd #orchestration #nomad #consul #eurobsdcon
Reliability: It’s Not Great https://community.fly.io/t/reliability-its-not-great/11253
Kudos to Kurt at fly.io for being so transparent about all of this, and needless to say, this is all very interesting stuff.
#devops #infrastructure #sre #reliability #transparency #vault #consul #hashicorp #nomad
#devops #infrastructure #sre #reliability #transparency #vault #consul #hashicorp #nomad
I am really excited @medium fully rolled out #mastodon I will be talking about the below hashtags. Be one of the first to follow me!
#devops #writing #writerscommunity #zerotrust #leadership #fitness #terraform #consul #vault #nomad
#mastodon #devops #writing #writerscommunity #zerotrust #leadership #fitness #terraform #consul #vault #nomad
JHipster v8 will use Consul as the default service discovery mechanism. This means, sadly, JHipster Registry will be deprecated. It had a fabulous run and was a great option handcrafted by the JHipster team 😢
First result: The problem is not actually Traefik, but Consul Connect service mesh. For some reason, it seems to do something with the MQTT packets.
Breaking out Wireshark, it looks like something is wrong with the answer coming from Mosquitto. Wireshark says there is an exception when parsing the packet, so it's malformed. But when I disable Consul Connect, everything is fine and I can connect to Mosquitto.
PSA: If you're running a Nomad cluster with Consul Connect service mesh, do not update to Consul v1.14. The changes in the gRPC TLS handling break Nomad's Consul integration.
Even though the Consul upgrade guide currently states that only Nomad < 1.4.2 is impacted, 1.4.3 is also broken: https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad/issues/15360
And a Christmas blog post. This time about extending Consul/Nomad/Vault clusters to HA with three nodes from a single node initial deployment:
It's pretty simple, in fact.
And also happy Christmas to all who celebrate it. 🎄
#homelab #blog #vault #consul #Nomad
Final testing: Successful. I've now got a Vault/Consul/Nomad HA cluster/ And I can still bootstrap everything from the "nothing is running at all" state. Any one of the cluster controller Pi's cann be restarted without warning, and within a couple of moments, all three clusters have sorted themselves out and are back to normal with the two remaining notes.
And it cost me only about a week's worth of evenings. 🙂
#homelab #Nomad #vault #consul
The additional cluster controller Pis are now set up. Next step: Setting up Consul in HA mode with three servers, and then testing what happens when I pull the power plug on the then-leader.