great news!
Found a great gig for any one who can get it: working at the #Australian #consulate in #Kampala #Uganda . Be 2.5 hours late when people are in urgent need of help, then by the time you get there it's nearly time for a 1.5 hour lunch!! #government #diplomats #DFAT #embassies #consular #highcommissions #eastAfrica #consularhelp
#australian #consulate #Kampala #uganda #government #diplomats #dfat #embassies #consular #highcommissions #eastafrica #consularhelp
Happy to hold the first in-person 🇪🇺🇨🇦 #consular dialogue since the pandemic!
We discussed how to protect our citizens as they travel and live abroad, help them when they find themselves in hot spots, and efficiently organize emergency procedures.
¿Sabías que el #TeamEurope se prepara para los grandes eventos internacionales a los que asisten ciudadanos de la #UE? Hoy en Doha, los EM 🇪🇺 y @EUinQatar se han reunido para reforzar la preparación #consular de la UE en caso se necesite asistencia durante la #WorldCup 🏆
RT @eu_eeas: Did you know that #TeamEurope prepares for big international events attended by #EU citizens? Today in Doha, EU Member States and @EUinQatar met to st…
#TeamEurope #UE #consular #worldcup #EU
Did you know that #TeamEurope prepares for big international events attended by #EU citizens? Today in Doha, EU Member States and @EUinQatar met to strengthen EU #consular preparedness in case assistance is needed during the #WorldCup 🏆 Thanks to @EU2022_CZ for organising!
RT @EUinQatar: Getting ready for the arrival of #EU fans for the #WorldCup 🏆
Today we worked with EU 🇪🇺 Member States to strengthen our #consular preparedness in cas…
#TeamEurope #EU #consular #worldcup
¿Estás planeando una aventura fuera de la 🇪🇺 este verano? ¿Qué pasa si algo sale mal?
¡No entres en pánico!Tú y tu familia pueden obtener #ApoyoConsular de cualquier país de la UE cuando se enfrenten a una emergencia en el extranjero, si tu propio país no tiene representación ⤵️
RT @EU_Commission: Planning an adventure outside the 🇪🇺 EU this summer? What if something goes wrong?
Don’t panic! You and your family can get #consular…
பிப்ரவரி 20ம் தேதி வரை இங்கிலாந்திலுள்ள இந்திய தூதரக சேவைகள் ரத்து..! #indian #embassy #suspends #consular #services #uk #feb20
#feb20 #uk #services #consular #suspends #embassy #indian