#RTfromTwitter механик Зелёный (@nonpalpabilis):
@nikitaljabin@twitter.com У нас в областной больнице аналогично. Перчатки, в/в катетеры врачи снова покупают сами, снова у каждого «своя заначка» в шкафу лежит, как в 90-е годы. ⦾ https://twitter.com/Nonpalpabilis/status/1677268446302568449 #здравоохранение #healthcare #consumables #hospitals #residualhealthcare #war
#rtfromtwitter #здравоохранение #healthcare #consumables #hospitals #residualhealthcare #war
🔥Want to win a free copy of #PeculiarPotions? Like, follow, and RT for a chance to win a free copy!!!🔥
#Pathfinder #PF2e #TTRPG #TableTop #Potions #Consumables #PathfinderInfinite #JuneJamfinder
#junejamfinder #pathfinderinfinite #consumables #potions #tabletop #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #peculiarpotions
✨Need some weird #Pathfinder2e potions? #PeculiarPotions is now live on #PathfinderInfinite!✨
#PathfinderInfinite #Pathfinder #PF2e #Paizo #TTPRG #TableTop #Potions #Consumables
#consumables #potions #tabletop #ttprg #paizo #PF2e #pathfinder #pathfinderinfinite #peculiarpotions #pathfinder2e
SRSLY Wrong’s Library Socialism Q&A on Food and Consumables
At the end of November, SRSLY Wrong released another Q&A episode, exploring how consumables could be approached in a society shaped around Library Socialism. It offers answers to those usual objections to how a post-capitalist world would work.
#SrslyWrong #LibrarySocialism #consumables
Q2: How is your position funded?
My position is funded through my project #PARADIVE by #IDUB I.3.4 Action of the Excellence Initiative at the University of #Warsaw, funded by the Ministry of #Education and #Science 🇵🇱.
It also covers salaries of 2 #postdoc researchers and 1 #research specialist as well as funding for #equipment, #analyses, #conference travel and #consumables. The programme is attractive, as such #funding is only rarely offered to someone at my #career stage and position in 🇩🇪.
#PARADIVE #IDUB #warsaw #education #science #postdoc #research #equipment #analyses #conference #consumables #funding #career