The U.S. Regulates Cars, Radio and TV. When Will It Regulate A.I.? - Congress has tended to be slow to respond to revolutionary technologies. - #regulationandderegulationofindustry #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #artificialintelligence #consumerprotection #lawandlegislation
#lawandlegislation #consumerprotection #artificialintelligence #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #regulationandderegulationofindustry
Kenyan Residents Asked to Participate in a ‘Public Survey on Virtual Assets’ - Kenya residents who wish to shape their country’s policy towards the crypto ecosys... - #virtualassetsserviceproviders(vasps) #financialreportingcentre(frc) #virtualassetsecosystem #financialinnovations #consumerprotection #financialsystem #moneylaundering #africa
#africa #moneylaundering #financialsystem #consumerprotection #financialinnovations #virtualassetsecosystem #financialreportingcentre #virtualassetsserviceproviders
Scam Money Is Laundered via Crypto Exchanges — Australian Regulator - A significant portion of scam money is getting laundered through cryptocurrency ex... - #australianfinancialcrimesexchange(afcx) #australianbankingassociation(aba) #cryptocurrencyexchange #consumerprotection #davidpegley #regulation #annabligh #scammoney
#scammoney #annabligh #regulation #davidpegley #consumerprotection #cryptocurrencyexchange #australianbankingassociation #australianfinancialcrimesexchange
#LawFedi #Privacy #ConsumerProtection
In which a court holds that a user has standing to sue the provider of an allegedly privacy-violating Software Developer Kit (SDK) that was embedded into various apps.
". . . it is Defendant's interception, packaging, and reselling of Plaintiff's data that constitute the privacy violations in this case. Third-party apps are merely the vessel for Defendant's SDK to collect data." (internal citations omitted).
#lawfedi #privacy #consumerprotection
#LawFedi #ConsumerProtection #CFPB CFPB to propose rules to expand the Fair Credit Reporting Act to data brokers and to cover so-called "header" information.
#lawfedi #consumerprotection #CFPB
#LawFedi #ConsumerProtection First CAN-SPAM enforcement I've seen in ages.
If I could influence consumer legislation, I would request that portable storage devices MUST advertise the 'times in HH:MM:SS to write, and separately, read their full capacity once'.
There are USB-sticks that it would literally take a day to fill once.
#consumerprotection #truthinadvertising
#studentloans #ConsumerProtection some graduate schools never pay off.
#studentloans #consumerprotection
#lawfedi #ConsumerProtection I'll never understand why continuing legal education providers send me spam emails for legal classes about consumer protection law even after I've opted out. Do they not think that I might know something about the CAN-SPAM Act?
#LawFedi #ConsumerProtection
Is there a reasonable "expectation of privacy" if a communication might be used to train an AI? If not, there's no attorney-client privilege and wiretapping laws won't apply.
We accept that phone companies can listen in on phone calls, and that internet service providers can read unencrypted messages to provide their services while still assuming that we have a reasonable expectation of privacy, but is training an AI somehow different?
I'm appalled that Amazon is allowing these AI-generated, deceptive guidebooks to proliferate. We must ensure that consumers are protected from these unscrupulous practices. #Amazon #Fraud #ConsumerProtection #ReviewScams #TravelSafety
#amazon #fraud #consumerprotection #reviewscams #travelsafety
It's concerning to see how easily duped people can be by deceptive reviews and AI-generated guidebooks. #Amazon #DeceptiveReviews #GenerativeAI #ConsumerProtection #IlluminatiValues
#amazon #deceptivereviews #generativeai #consumerprotection #illuminativalues
Oh, Google and Amazon, what a shame
Your products don't live up to their name
You offer no updates
And label them as new
Is this really the way you play the game?
#google #amazon #chromebooks #consumerprotection #ode #poetry
#google #amazon #chromebooks #consumerprotection #ode #poetry
Australian Regulator Sues Etoro to ‘Protect Consumers From High-Risk CFD Products’ - The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has filed a lawsuit ag... - #australiansecuritiesandinvestmentscommission(asic) #contractfordifference(cfd)product #consumerprotection #sarahcourt #etorocfd #legal
#legal #etorocfd #sarahcourt #consumerprotection #contractfordifference #australiansecuritiesandinvestmentscommission
@jennzycos #Piracy is literally an act of #SelfDefense, #Mutualdefense and #consumerProtection
#consumerprotection #MutualDefense #selfdefense #piracy
What Is an E-Bike, and How Safe Are They? - Surprisingly tricky questions about an increasingly popular vehicle. - #nationalhighwaytrafficsafetyadministration #electricbicyclesmotorcyclesandscooters #regulationandderegulationofindustry #consumerproductsafetycommission #trafficaccidentsandsafety #orangecounty(calif) #consumerprotection #deaths(fatalities) #your-feed-science #your-feed-health #roadsandtraffic #bend(ore)
#bend #roadsandtraffic #your #deaths #consumerprotection #orangecounty #trafficaccidentsandsafety #consumerproductsafetycommission #regulationandderegulationofindustry #electricbicyclesmotorcyclesandscooters #nationalhighwaytrafficsafetyadministration
Biden admin canceling $130M in debt for students who it says were 'ripped off' by Colorado college
#BidenAdministration #StudentDebtCancellation #ColoradoCollegeScam #EducationJustice #FinancialRelief #ConsumerProtection #Politics #News
#Bidenadministration #studentdebtcancellation #coloradocollegescam #educationjustice #financialrelief #consumerprotection #politics #news
#Consumerprotection advocates warn prevalence of #warninglabels actually minimizes their effect
#consumerprotection #warninglabels #ProductSafety
Namibia signs crypto exchange regulation bill into law - The law will officially enter into force at a date determined by ... - #hagegeingobvirtualassetserviceprovider #financingofterrorism #consumerprotection #nationalassembly #moneylaundering #bankofnamibia #marketabuse #seychelles #botswana #namibia #kenya
#kenya #namibia #botswana #seychelles #marketabuse #bankofnamibia #moneylaundering #nationalassembly #consumerprotection #financingofterrorism #hagegeingobvirtualassetserviceprovider
A.I. Regulation Is in Its ‘Early Days’ - While there has been a flurry of activity by the White House and lawmakers over artificia... - #regulationandderegulationofindustry #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #computersandtheinternet #rumorsandmisinformation #artificialintelligence #federaltradecommission #politicsandgovernment #consumerprotection #lawandlegislation #schumercharlese #bidenjosephrjr #openailabs
#openailabs #bidenjosephrjr #schumercharlese #lawandlegislation #consumerprotection #politicsandgovernment #federaltradecommission #artificialintelligence #rumorsandmisinformation #computersandtheinternet #unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #regulationandderegulationofindustry