A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
623 followers · 1878 posts · Server todon.eu

@An_Alex3 @indyradio

'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority (oligarch) rule.

We the people, will not find life, liberty and happiness until we take control!

A plan for your consideration:

Comprehensive will render the government superfluous.

& will wrest control of industry from the capitalists.

(production) combined with (consumption) will undermine capitalism by .

, (derived from federated neighborhood groups) will actuate the people's priorities.

#SystemFail #RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither #MutualAid #anarchosyndicalism #classunionism #generalstrikes #consumerstrikes #DefundCapitalism #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago