Does the 'eco' in '#ecoTerrorist' stand for 'economic'? *wink
Its about time someone held these #counterfeiting criminals at #TheFed to account.
#ecoterrorist #counterfeiting #thefed #MoneyLaunderingGoBrr #consumptionism #growth #warOnSavers
Not sure you were given what we've written below, but have you heard the term #convivialSufficiency.
It describes a cuulture shift away from #consumptionism.
Anyway, we thought why not combine '#convivial' with '#software' to get, #ConvivialSoftware?
Again though its not sexy, not a pun (those are gold) but its something to consider as an option.
#convivialSufficiency #consumptionism #convivial #software #ConvivialSoftware
#RupertMurdoch is perhaps the greatest low-life #opportunist of them all.
His tentacles are everywhere, they are the tentacles of the #securityState. A cabal of thugs that pervert humanity using #information.
We need to get #NEOed if we are to avoid the 'lawn being mowed'.
Sadly they have "lawn-mowing" down to a fine art. Perfected over generations, since 1914.
#consumptionism #corporatism #cronyism #lobbyists #moneyPrinting #giabo #bitcoin #divideAndRule #gameOfMates #cronyCap
#rupertmurdoch #opportunist #securitystate #information #NEOED #consumptionism #corporatism #cronyism #lobbyists #moneyPrinting #GIABO #bitcoin #divideandrule #GameOfMates #cronycap