Daniel Fischer · @cosmos4u
1388 followers · 2380 posts · Server scicomm.xyz

A low-metallicity massive undergoing slow Case A mass transfer - a detailed spectroscopic and orbital analysis of SSN 7 in NGC 346 in the SMC: arxiv.org/abs/2304.13720 -> Dark couple – most massive touching stars ever found will eventually collide as black holes: idw-online.de/de/news813392


Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Motte · @PeterMotte
36 followers · 353 posts · Server social.linux.pizza

This is a Kuiper Belt object contact binary approximately 36 km long; it orbits the Sun from 42-46 AU and takes 298 Earth years to complete one orbit #486958

#Arrokoth #kuiper #contactbinary #kuiperbeltobject

Last updated 2 years ago