Heute, am Tag nachdem die #CoronaWarnApp schlafengelegt wurde, feiere ich, dass es einer internationalen Gruppe von Wissenschaftler:innen gelungen ist, mit #dp3t ein funktionierendes System für eine #Kontaktverfolgung zu entwerfen, die nicht auf #Überwachung basiert und Vorlage für die deutsche #CWA wurde.
Besonders danken möchte ich Marcus, Marvin und allen anderen Freiwilligen, die die offizielle CWA zur @CCTG weiterentwickelt haben, obwohl sie nichts von den 220 Millionen € abbekommen haben.
Erst mit der #CCTG stand eine App zur Verfügung, die alle Kriterien für vertrauenswürdige Apps erfüllt, die @digitalcourage (mit mir) definiert hat: https://digitalcourage.de/digitale-selbstverteidigung/app-kriterien
Vielen Dank auch an die #FOSS-Projekte @fdroidorg und @microg, die wichtige Voraussetzungen für die CCTG geschaffen haben.
CCTG-Website: https://bubu1.eu/cctg/
/cc @Bubu #Corona #Covid19 #ContactTracing #trustworthyApps #reproducibleBuilds
#reproduciblebuilds #trustworthyapps #contacttracing #COVID19 #corona #foss #cctg #cwa #uberwachung #Kontaktverfolgung #DP3T #CoronaWarnApp
Il 31 dicembre chiude #Immuni, nonostante le #fakenews #novax sulla sua permanenza. Un esperimento finito male, strozzato in culla dalla mancanza di informazione e dalla mancanza di supporto umano al #contacttracing digitale.
Resta #Io per il #greenpass
#immuni #fakenews #novax #contacttracing #io #greenpass
Surprise! #ContactTracing
RT @AP@twitter.com
An @AP@twitter.com investigation has found that COVID-19 accelerated and normalized state surveillance and tracking tools that are now being used to investigate crime and harass marginalized communities. http://bit.ly/3FMndPY
"Impossible" to track: China gives up on COVID case count amid explosive outbreak
In an abrupt reversal, China ended mandatory testing last week.
#China #COVID #ContactTracing #ZeroCovid
#china #covid #contacttracing #zerocovid
(originally posted Tue, 29 Nov 2022 11:16:17 PM)
China links COVID outbreak to man's jog through a park; scientists skeptical
The man reportedly infected 39 people in one outdoor jog through a park.
#China #COVID #ContactTracing #ZeroCovid
#china #covid #contacttracing #zerocovid
China links COVID outbreak to man's jog through a park; scientists skeptical
The man reportedly infected 39 people in one outdoor jog through a park.
#China #COVID #ContactTracing #ZeroCovid
#china #covid #contacttracing #zerocovid
Referenced link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-10-employee-health-contact-database-mitigate.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-10-employee-health-contact-database-mitigate.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/medical_xpress/status/1586001608692961282#m
RT by @physorg_com: An employee #health #contacttracing database to mitigate COVID-19 spread and enhance safety @mountsinainyc https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2589750022001716 https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-10-employee-health-contact-database-mitigate.html
Referenced link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-10-contact-covid-york-city.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-10-contact-covid-york-city.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/medical_xpress/status/1585295455457579011#m
RT by @physorg_com: #Contacttracing data sheds light on COVID-19 spread in #NewYorkCity @ColumbiaMSPH @NatureComms https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-34130-x https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-10-contact-covid-york-city.html
This was probably the true plan all along #India #contacttracing #surveillance
#surveillance #contacttracing #india
This was probably the true plan all along #India #contacttracing #surveillance
#surveillance #contacttracing #india
Man charged with hack which shared COVID-19 test details in protest against vaccine pass - Police in France have arrested and charged a 22-year-old man with hacking into a "secure"... https://grahamcluley.com/man-charged-with-hack-which-shared-covid-19-test-details-in-protest-against-vaccine-pass/ #contacttracing #coronavirus #databreach #law&order #dataloss #france
#france #dataloss #law #databreach #coronavirus #contacttracing
New contact tracing program koronatietoni.fi will require your bank account in order to log in and if that's not enough you can share the phone number of those people who have been infected. I guess i want to get rid of my phone now.
#covidtyranny #contacttracing #privacy
#covidtyranny #contacttracing #privacy
如果有人有裝 #台灣社交距離 App 的話,最近這幾天注意一下 App 的通知,因為這幾天 CDC 疾病管制局會大量上傳確診病歷資料到台灣社交距離 App,如果你過去 14 天手機內都裝著台灣社交距離 App 且有接近過確診病患的話,手機就會收到告警通知。
沒裝這個 App 的朋友也建議你裝起來,至少以後可以知道從今天起算有沒有接觸到確診者的歷史....
#SocialDistancing #ContactTracing
#台灣社交距離 #socialdistancing #contacttracing
"nous avons (re)découvert que la technologie, si elle ne place pas l’humain au centre, n’est pas la réponse à tous les problèmes. [...] certains citoyens n’ont pas voulu jouer le jeu face à une app avant tout conçue pour les altruistes [...] Car s’exposer à recevoir, par smartphone interposé, un appel à se placer en quarantaine, c’est avant tout risquer la punition."
#covid19 #swisscovid #épidémiologie #dataprivacy #contacttracing
#contacttracing #dataprivacy #épidémiologie #swisscovid #covid19
Governi che sfruttano le app di #ContactTracing #Covid19 per altri usi: a #Singapore le autorità hanno rivelato a gennaio che la #polizia aveva utilizzato i dati dell'app in un'indagine per omicidio.
Articolo di Jamie #Tarabay su #Bloomberg
#contacttracing #COVID19 #singapore #polizia #Tarabay #bloomberg
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1163 - Senator Paul Objects Direct Payments & Countering Forced Vaccination Programs" on @Spreaker #bigbrother #contacttracing #covid19 #covid19stimulus #demoniacresistance #nullification2020 #nullification2021 #randpaul #Technocracy #UniversalBasicIncome
#bigbrother #contacttracing #COVID19 #covid19stimulus #DemoniacResistance #Nullification2020 #nullification2021 #RandPaul #technocracy #universalbasicincome
German COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Vulnerability Allowed RCE - Bug hunters at GitHub Security Labs help shore up German contact tracing app security, crediting o... https://threatpost.com/german-covid-19-contact-tracing-vulnerability-rce/161419/ #securityvulnerability #remotecodeexecution #javabeanvalidation #contacttracingapp #vulnerabilities #contacttracing #coronawarnapp #websecurity #dataprivacy #opensource #bughunter #covid-19 #germany #rceflaw #github #cwa
#cwa #github #rceflaw #germany #covid #bughunter #opensource #dataprivacy #websecurity #CoronaWarnApp #contacttracing #vulnerabilities #ContactTracingApp #javabeanvalidation #remotecodeexecution #securityvulnerability
Contact Diary: an app that helps you keep track of the people you have recently been with.
- daily reminder
- doesn't have the INTERNET permission, so it can't secretly share your data
#covid19 #privacy #contacttracing
#COVID19 #privacy #contacttracing
Smashing Security podcast #199: A few tech cock-ups, and one cock lock-up - An internet-connected adult toy could leave its users encaged, the official NHS COVID-19 contact-t... https://grahamcluley.com/smashing-security-podcast-199/ #smashingsecurity #contacttracing #vulnerability #coronavirus #podcast #privacy #iot #nhs
#nhs #iot #privacy #podcast #coronavirus #vulnerability #contacttracing #smashingsecurity
Govt.-Backed Contact-Tracing Apps Raise Privacy Hackles - New opt-in COVID-19 Exposure Notifications Express systems baked into Apple’s iOS and available on... https://threatpost.com/govt-contact-tracing-apps-privacy/159109/ #electronicfrontierfoundation #exposurenotification #mobilesecurity #contacttracing #datacollection #gavinnewsom #legislators #california #lawmakers #covid-19 #privacy #google #apple
#apple #google #privacy #covid #lawmakers #california #legislators #gavinnewsom #datacollection #contacttracing #mobilesecurity #exposurenotification #electronicfrontierfoundation