So for #css #ContainerQueries you define a container.
BUT does such a container have a name. Right now I want to explain that we should make a grid container a container query container.
"Make the grid container a container"?
"Make the grid container a container query container"?
Both are confusing.
📣 CSS in Depth, 2nd edition, is officially underway! 📖
This will include tons of the improvements CSS has seen in the past five years, along with several chapters taking a deep look at the latest/upcoming tech for code organization (Goodbye, BEM!)
Let's go!!!!
#css #cssindepth #cssgrid #containerqueries
What are the best articles or talks you’ve seen on the latest #CSS features? I’m interested especially in #layers, #scope, and #ContainerQueries, but there’s definitely a lot of other new spicy goodness beyond those.
#css #layers #scope #containerqueries
So far I'm really impressed with #tailwind.
I had a good read through of the documentation - not trying to learn it all, but just get a feel for what's there. Then deleted (well, removed the imports) for all the existing #css on the site and started from scratch. Managed to largely build out a responsive menu and one of my more complex pages (blog post).
Going to try a page that has components styled with #containerqueries next. This'll be fun.
#tailwind #css #containerqueries
Heute zum ersten Mal #ContainerQueries produktiv eingesetzt, immerhin kommt Firefox 109 in 7 Tagen. What a time to be alive! #css
Thanks to some awesome #fediverse folk for teaching me about #css #containerqueries this morning. Game changer for sure. Now just need to figure out if / how I can incorporate these into my dynamic image component alongside #srcset and #widths.
#fediverse #css #containerqueries #srcset #widths
@darklem0n The last big one was #webComponents. So much potential. Bit of weirdness - like why require #JavaScript? But overall they're a lot of fun to work with, combine them with #containerQueries and 💥
#webcomponents #javascript #containerqueries