WATCH: East Coast Feeder: Container feeder BG Jade arrives at Felixstowe; Monday 11 September 2023
Although the largest container ships only call at a limited number of ports around the world, there is still sufficient demand for shorter distance sea carriage to justify a wide range of feeder services, linking smaller ports with major hubs like Felixstowe and Rotterdam.
#feeder #containership #ship #BGJade #Felixstowe
#feeder #containership #ship #bgjade #felixstowe
WATCH: Timelapse Swing: Container ship Oakland swings before going alongside Felixstowe berth 9; 10 September 2023
This 2000-built container ship is around ¾ of the length of today's ultra-large container ships, but only half their width - and she is just 66,464 Gross Tonnage, around a third of those vessels GT.
But she is still capable of earning a living, and is still a vital part of the system.
#ship #containership #Felixstowe #swing
#ship #containership #felixstowe #swing
WATCH: Steam Ship? MSC England arrives from Bremerhaven, at 8.20am, 5 September, 2023.
Although it looks like the 2001-built MSC England has returned to steam power, what you see is the steam exhaust plume from her scrubber, which cleans up the main engine exhaust by "scrubbing" it within a water spray, which takes removes much of the toxic and dangerous chemistry released by using Heavy Fuel Oil as her main fuel.
#ship #containership #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #felixstowe
WATCH: Ultimate Seagoing Giants: Yet Another "World's Biggest"! MSC Mariella UK maiden call, Felixstowe, 5.30am 31 August, 2023.
The latest in MSC's string of Megamax giants coming in at 24,346 TEU, MSC Mariella arrived at Felixstowe this morning.
#ship #containership #MSC Mariella #megamax #maidencall #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #msc #megamax #maidencall #felixstowe
WATCH - Ultimate Seagoing Giants: Megamax container ship Ever Aria sails for Hamburg from Felixstowe; 7am, Sunday 27 August.
Sailing from berth 8 at Felixstowe, and passing MSC Loreto, one of the world's largest container ships at 24,346 TEU, the 24,004 TEU Ever Aria heads out into Harwich Harbour, then gathers way to make the turn at Beach End
#ship #containership #EverAria #Evergreen #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #everaria #evergreen #felixstowe
WATCH: Nothing Much Aboard! Celcius London arrives amazingly light; 25 August 2023.
2007-built container ship Celsius London has had a number of names, but her most noteable was back in 2015, when she had a spell as William Shakespeare until around 2020.
A day after we filmed this, she is back at sea, on her way towards Kotka, Finland.
#containerShip #ship #Felixstowe #CelsiusLondon #light
#containership #ship #felixstowe #celsiuslondon #light
WATCH - Ultimate Seagoing Giants: Megamax Ever Acme clears Felixstowe berth 9, Thursday 24 August.
An up-close look at Ever Acme moving away from the berth, as she prepares to sail for Hamburg, at around 7.25pm on the evening of Thursday, 24 August.
We'll follow this with a close-up look at her getting under way.
#ship #containership #everacme #megamax #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #everacme #megamax #felixstowe
WATCH: Fresh in from Turkey - Budapest Express arrives in rainy Felixstowe on Thursday, 24 August, 2023.
She's coming in after completing a call in Greece and 4 calls in Turkey, but prior to that completed calls on the East Coast of the USA.
#ship #containership #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #felixstowe
WATCH: Ultimate Seagoing Giants - Megamax Ever Acme arrives at Felixstowe from Rotterdam, at around 8.15am on 21 August 2023.
We rarely look at ships outside the environs of major ports, so this clip begins looking Southeast as Ever Acme arrives on Monday morning, completing Felixstowe's Beach End Turn. She then passes behind the bulk of the Landguard Fort, built in the 1740s on the site of previous fortifications.
#ship #containership #Evergreen #EverAcme #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #evergreen #everacme #felixstowe
WATCH: Ultimate Seagoing Giants - Megamax Ever Acme arrives at Felixstowe from Rotterdam, at around 8.15am on 21 August 2023.
We rarely look at ships outside the environs of major ports, so this clip begins looking Southeast as Ever Acme arrives on Monday morning, completing Felixstowe's Beach End Turn. She then passes behind the bulk of the Landguard Fort, built in the 1740s on the site of previous fortifications.
#ship #containership #Evergreen #EverAcme #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #evergreen #everacme #felixstowe
WATCH: Ultra Large Container Ship MSC Diana arrives at Felixstowe from the Far East, around 6.45am Sunday 20 August 2023.
Arriving directly from Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia, after calls in Thailand and Singapore, MSC Diana disproves the suggestion that every thing we buy comes from China.
#ship #containership #MSCDiana #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #mscdiana #felixstowe
WATCH - Ultimate Seagoing Giants: Megamax Ever Aim sails for Hamburg, morning of 15 August 2023.
#ship #megamax #ultralargecontainership #containership #everaim #Felixstowe
#ship #megamax #ultralargecontainership #containership #everaim #felixstowe
WATCH: Neo-Panamax MSC Benedetta sails for Hamburg, around 7.50pm, evening of 13 August 2023.
"Neo-Panamax" or "New Panamax" isn't a phrase we hear much but it is an important definition for container ships.
#newpanamax #ship #containership #Felixstowe
#newpanamax #ship #containership #felixstowe
WATCH: Looking tired and hard worked, MSC Shanelle V sails for Rotterdam, at around 6.30am, on Thursday 10 August 2023.
She came to Felixstowe from Southampton, but prior to that came from calls in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, India and Pakistan then passing through the Suez Canal.
#ship #containership #MSC #MSCShanelle
#ship #containership #msc #mscshanelle
WATCH Ultimate Seagoing Giants: 23,656 TEU MSC Mina arrives at Felixstowe, 9 August 2023.
Felixstowe is usually the last port in this major vessel's Northern European leg of her rotation, and when she completes here, expected to be on Friday 11 August, she'll head off again towards the Suez Canal and the Far East - an 8,,400 mile journey.
And she'll be back in a couple of months . . .
#ship #containership #MSC #MSCmina #megamax #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #msc #mscmina #megamax #felixstowe
WATCH: Looking scruffy and with very few boxes aboard, MSC Maritina arrives at Felixstowe at around 8.25am on the morning of 8 August 2023.
#ship #containership #MSC #MSCmaritina
#ship #containership #msc #mscmaritina
WATCH: MSC Daisy sails from Felixstowe, towards Antwerp, around 7.20am, 5 August 2023.
Although she is a fairly run of the mill container ship, MSC Daisy had an interesting few calls before her most recent run into the Med.
She sailed up the Bristol Channel to Portbury, up the Clyde to Greenock, and finally up the Mersey to Liverpool, all of which ports would like to enjoy more container traffic from the major lines.
#ship #containership #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #felixstowe
WATCH: 8,500 TEU container ship Cosco Indonesia arrives at Felixstowe from an Eastern Med circuit; around 8.20am, 4 August 2023.
Back in 2000, when I was sailing around off the East Coast and the English Channel, 8,000 TEU Container ships were about the biggest you could get!
Cosco Indonesia was built in 2010, after the shipping lines started building 400 metre-long ships like Emma Maersk, so even then, she wasn't one of the biggest.
#SHIP #containership #Felixstowe
#ship #containership #felixstowe
WATCH: 3,853 TEU Container ship Eleni T sails from Tilbury towards Antwerp; around 1.10pm, Monday 1 August 2023.
With a rotation taking her to Dakar in Senegal, and Abidjan on the Ivory Coast, Eleni T has a more individual routine than many container vessels.
On her most recent run, she also called at Montoir, in the northern part of the Bay of Biscay, and has also called at Vlissingen in Holland.
#containership #ship #tilbury #riverThames
#containership #ship #tilbury #riverthames