There has never been a day in my life when I regretted being born in Japan so much.
I will never forgive the Japanese government for dumping contaminated water.
#ALPS #Fukushima #ContaminatedWater #WaterIsLife #DontReleaseTEPCOWater
#dontreleasetepcowater #waterislife #contaminatedwater #fukushima #alps
> There is great controversy about the proposed discharge of “ALPS-treated contaminated water” and contaminated soil generated by the decontamination process. Both of these issues show the scale of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident and the complexity of the problem.
#FOEJapan #FukushimaDaiIichi #NuclearAccident #NuclearPollution #NuclearCatastrophe #ALPSwater #ContaminatedWater #汚染水
#汚染水 #contaminatedwater #alpswater #nuclearcatastrophe #nuclearpollution #nuclearaccident #fukushimadaiiichi #foejapan
#Fukushima #Nuclear #ContaminatedWater Discharge Sparks Global Outcry Amid E#nvironmental Concerns
Japanese Government's Controversial Move to Discharge #Radioactive Water Triggers Intense Backlash
9 July 2023
"The public’s disapproval of the release of Fukushima’s nuclear polluted water into the sea has been fervent. Their objection is not directed at the normal functioning of nuclear power plants but rather stems from #Japan’s dissemination of misleading information under the guise of 'pseudoscience.' It is vital to elucidate the fundamental distinction between Fukushima’s nuclear-contaminated water and the regular operations of a nuclear power plant from a scientific perspective. By analyzing their sources, the Fukushima nuclear disaster stands as the most severe nuclear accident, resulting in water contaminated with an extensive array of radionuclides generated by nuclear fission. In contrast, nuclear waste water from power plants worldwide is primarily composed of various types of process water, chemical water, ground water, shower and laundry water, all classified as general operational water. Each source manifests unique characteristics in terms of radionuclide composition.
"It is crucial to highlight that the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water contains over 60 types of radionuclides, some of which are significantly more hazardous than tritium, a substance the Japanese authorities claim they can efficiently purify and treat. Alarming concerns arise as many of these #radionuclides lack effective treatment methods. Japan’s own data reveals that approximately 70 percent of nuclear-contaminated water processed through the Multi-Nuclide Treatment System (#ALPS) fails to meet discharge standards, necessitating re-purification. Additionally, the assessment report published by the #IAEA acknowledges that ALPS 'may not remove all radionuclides in nuclear-contaminated water.' Furthermore, the long-term implications of this decision cannot be ignored, as it may take up to 30 years for Japan to execute the discharge plan, potentially resulting in an irreversible environmental catastrophe.
"'The radioactive materials stemming from the nuclear accident should not be released, and we must preserve a pristine ocean for our generation and those to come,' passionately stated Masashi Tani, a representative of Japanese civic groups. On the 7th of July, various civil organizations in Fukushima Prefecture and beyond made a resounding statement, revealing that over 250,000 individuals had signed petitions opposing the release of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean. The gravity of this global outcry underscores the urgent need for a reconsideration of Japan’s decision.
"As the international community scrutinizes Japan’s stance on the matter, the ramifications of releasing nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean extend beyond national borders. Concerns about potential health hazards, ecological damage, and the perpetuation of long-term radioactive pollution are driving this global controversy. It is imperative for authorities to heed the mounting public outcry and prioritize the protection of our planet’s fragile ecosystems."
#TEPCOLies #WaterIsLife #PacificOcean #FukushimaDaiichi #FukushimaWater
#fukushima #nuclear #contaminatedwater #radioactive #japan #radionuclides #Alps #iaea #tepcolies #waterislife #pacificocean #FukushimaDaiIchi #FukushimaWater
Global News BC: Contaminated compost piles dumped in field has B.C. residents worried https://globalnews.ca/news/9438315/contaminated-compost-piles-dumped-in-field-has-b-c-residents-worried/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FraserValleyRegionalDistrict #B.C.residentsconcerned #FraserValleyRenewables #Contaminatedwater #B.C.government #ColumbiaValley #BCgovernment #FraserValley #Environment #CultusLake #Canada #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fraservalleyregionaldistrict #b #fraservalleyrenewables #contaminatedwater #columbiavalley #BCgovernment #fraservalley #environment #cultuslake #Canada #health