Мне очень понравилась фотоистория (или репортаж) Энн Ван про то, как тайбэйка Вивиан Тун заморозила свою яйцеклетку: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/taiwan-fertility/ #AnnWang #contemporaryphotography #report #photostory #urbanportrait #portrait #hospitals #eggfreezing #Taipei #2020s
#annwang #contemporaryphotography #report #photostory #urbanportrait #portrait #hospitals #eggfreezing #taipei #2020s
e/e • Masha Reva, road series made when the artist left Ukraine for Berlin, April 2022 ⦾ Маша Рева, роуд-серия, сделанная при отъезде из Ужгорода в Берлин, апрель 2022 года ⋆ Ukraine ⋆ https://www.picnob.com/pl/post/6854592455726032296438/ ⦾ https://www.instagram.com/mashareva/ #MashaReva #contemporaryphotography #roadseries #landscape #war #wartime #Zakarpattia #Ukraine #peaceforUkraine #Russianagression #2020s
#mashareva #contemporaryphotography #roadseries #landscape #war #wartime #zakarpattia #ukraine #peaceforukraine #russianagression #2020s
d/e • Masha Reva, road series made when the artist left Ukraine for Berlin, April 2022 ⦾ Маша Рева, роуд-серия, сделанная при отъезде из Ужгорода в Берлин, апрель 2022 года #MashaReva #contemporaryphotography #roadseries #adornment #easter #folkart #artificialflowers #war #wartime #Zakarpattia #Ukraine #peaceforUkraine #Russianagression #2020s
#mashareva #contemporaryphotography #roadseries #adornment #easter #folkart #artificialflowers #war #wartime #zakarpattia #ukraine #peaceforukraine #russianagression #2020s
c/e • Masha Reva, road series made when the artist left Ukraine for Berlin, April 2022 ⦾ Маша Рева, роуд-серия, сделанная при отъезде из Ужгорода в Берлин, апрель 2022 года #MashaReva #contemporaryphotography #roadseries #females #wartime #Zakarpattia #WestUkraine #Ukraine #Ukrainianartists #peaceforUkraine #war #Russianagression #2020s
#mashareva #contemporaryphotography #roadseries #females #wartime #zakarpattia #westukraine #ukraine #ukrainianartists #peaceforukraine #war #russianagression #2020s
a/e • Masha Reva, road series made when the artist left Ukraine for Berlin, April 2022 ⦾ Маша Рева, роуд-серия, сделанная при отъезде из Ужгорода в Берлин, апрель 2022 года ⋆ Ukraine ⋆ https://www.picnob.com/pl/post/6854592455726032296438/ ⦾ https://www.instagram.com/mashareva/ #MashaReva #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #roadseries #landscape #tractor #wartime #Zakarpattia #WestUkraine #Ukraine #Ukrainianartists #peaceforUkraine #war #Russianagression #2020s
#mashareva #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #roadseries #landscape #tractor #wartime #zakarpattia #westukraine #ukraine #ukrainianartists #peaceforukraine #war #russianagression #2020s
Время, когда фотопортреты превратились в портреты кусков тел (и обязательно без лица), прям как в мире Франчески Вудман... Она сиганула в окно (напоминание)! ⦾ https://nitter.poast.org/pokanett/status/1689679671451873280 ⦾ https://twitter.com/pokanett/status/1689679671451873280 #contemporaryphotography #photography #portrait #FrancescaWoodman #hauntologic #pokanett #2020s
【 Под кусками тел я не имел в виду фрагментированные трупы на войне, только мирную опасливую съёмку. 】 #wartime
#contemporaryphotography #photography #portrait #francescawoodman #hauntologic #pokanett #2020s #wartime
Melih Dönmezer, unknown title, no date ⋆ Turkey ⋆ https://www.flickr.com/photos/89911545@N08 ⦾ https://www.bleaq.com/2014/melih-donmezer ⦾ https://www.instagram.com/melih.donmezer/ #MelihDönmezer #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #blackandwhitephotography #darkculture #diagonal #rhyme #нанизываниекартинок #undatedartworks
#melihdonmezer #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #blackandwhitephotography #darkculture #diagonal #rhyme #нанизываниекартинок #undatedartworks
Filament (c) (2018) #image #sky #london #tenaments #light #filament #dusk #moody #art #photoart #photo #photobased #frames #colour #contemporaryphotography #contemporaryart
#image #sky #london #tenaments #light #filament #Dusk #Moody #art #photoart #photo #photobased #frames #colour #contemporaryphotography #contemporaryart
MOTEL (2023) from a series.
#images #photobased #art #vision #night #travel #photo #artists #image #red #yellow #digital #mixedmedia #painting #contemporaryphotography #contemporaryart #dream #visual #visualpoetry #experimental #series #serial #philosophy #poet #SpringArtShare #blur #manipulation
#images #photobased #art #vision #night #travel #photo #artists #image #red #yellow #digital #mixedmedia #painting #contemporaryphotography #contemporaryart #dream #visual #VisualPoetry #experimental #series #serial #philosophy #poet #springartshare #blur #manipulation
Trapped in Tights #2
In this mesmerizing fine art photo series, a Kat de Ville is depicted in a state of intense struggle, as she contorts her body on the floor, wrapped in Lycra. The photographs capture the intricate folds and twists of the material, which seems to have a life of its own as it wraps around the Kat's body, ensnaring her in its embrace. Through these evocative images, the series explores themes of constraint, entrapment, and perseverance, inviting the viewer to contemplate the beauty and complexity of the human form.
Model: Kat de Ville
#photography #fineart #fineartphotography #nude #naked #nsfw #artphoto #model #contemporaryphotography
#photography #fineart #fineartphotography #nude #naked #nsfw #artphoto #model #contemporaryphotography
Trapped in Tights
In this mesmerizing fine art photo series, a Kat de Ville is depicted in a state of intense struggle, as she contorts her body on the floor, wrapped in Lycra. The photographs capture the intricate folds and twists of the material, which seems to have a life of its own as it wraps around the Kat's body, ensnaring her in its embrace. Through these evocative images, the series explores themes of constraint, entrapment, and perseverance, inviting the viewer to contemplate the beauty and complexity of the human form.
Model: Kat de Ville
#photography #fineart #fineartphotography #nude #naked #nsfw #artphoto #model #contemporaryphotography
#photography #fineart #fineartphotography #nude #naked #nsfw #artphoto #model #contemporaryphotography
Winter Night in London UK (2019) #art #artist #PhotoEssay #photobased #Sulfur #northEast #London #abstract #representation #walking #poetry #photo #ArtistsOfMastodon #contemporaryphotography #contemporaryart #sky #motion #blur #twotone
#art #artist #photoessay #photobased #sulfur #northeast #london #abstract #representation #walking #poetry #photo #artistsofmastodon #contemporaryphotography #contemporaryart #sky #motion #blur #twotone
'Painting the Wall with Light' #shadow #PhotoPoem #photography #self #selfportrait #light #art #ArtistsOfMastodon #contemporaryphotography #contemporaryart #texture #camera #representational #March (c) R.Frede Kenter 2023.
#shadow #photopoem #photography #self #selfportrait #light #art #artistsofmastodon #contemporaryphotography #contemporaryart #texture #camera #representational #march
Special needs for special couples series
This is my favorite rubber / latex themed photo series of all time. Seriously, this was such a fun to do and I truly in love with the uncanny vibe of this shoot.
I hope you also like this gem.
Full Series on my Patreon:
Model: https://s.kinkytaboo.de/amanda
#contemporaryphotography #conceptualphotography #bdsmcommunity #conceptualportrait #artphotography #portraitphotography #latexgirl #conceptualphotographer #latexcatsuit #rubber #artphoto #conceptual #conceptualart #fetishfashion #contemporaryart #minimalism #latexlover #latex #catsuit #fineartphotography #latexfashion #conceptualphoto #contemporaryphoto #bdsmlife #contemporaryartist #latexmodel #fetishmodel
#contemporaryphotography #conceptualphotography #bdsmcommunity #conceptualportrait #artphotography #portraitphotography #latexgirl #conceptualphotographer #latexcatsuit #rubber #artphoto #conceptual #conceptualart #fetishfashion #contemporaryart #minimalism #latexlover #latex #catsuit #fineartphotography #latexfashion #conceptualphoto #contemporaryphoto #bdsmlife #contemporaryartist #latexmodel #fetishmodel
Two trees. 2023.
More trees in this post...
#landscape #monochrome
#monochrome #blackandwhite
#fineartphotography #creativephotography #blackandwhitephotography
#trees #landscape #monochrome #contemporaryphotography #BlackAndWhite #fineartphotography #creativephotography #blackandwhitephotography