CrashTestDolly :autism: · @jen
511 followers · 617 posts · Server

I've been playing around with my personal portfolio / antiBlog (not a blog) setup and have discovered a new headless CMS called Tina. It's even simpler than Sanity. Sanity is still cool but this is much easier to implement, makes sense for smaller projects...

#contentascode #headlesscms #tina #webdev #javascript #nextjs #mdx

Last updated 2 years ago

CrashTestDolly :autism: · @jen
511 followers · 617 posts · Server

I've been playing around with personal portfolio /website / antiBlog (not a blog) setup and have discovered a new headless CMS called Tina. It's even simpler than Sanity. Sanity is still cool but this is much easier to implement, makes sense for smaller projects...

#contentascode #headlesscms #tina #webdev #javascript #nextjs #mdx

Last updated 2 years ago