Join the #SitecoreCommunity tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. ET for this week's #SitecoreLunch. Chat #Sitecore, #ContentHub, and more! 🍎🧀
⏲️ when: tomorrow, 12:15 p.m. ET
🖥️ where: details in #Sitecore Slack #general channel
🍕 join #Sitecore Slack:
#general #contenthub #sitecore #sitecorelunch #sitecorecommunity
Eggcellent #SitecoreLunch today! Discussed:
🌞 Warm weather
🐰 Easter egg hunts
🤱 Bad parenting tips
🎥 Reimagining movies
🍇 Cotton candy grapes
🔍 Evaluating #SitecoreSearch
😱 Scary Easter bunny pictures
⭕ #ContentHub tips and tricks
🍌 Teenage Mutant Ninja Bananas
🧑🏫 Presenting at user groups remotely
🤖 #GitHubCopilot and privacy concerns
🌎 #SitecoreCLI for content sync between environments
See you same time next week! 🥪🥗
#sitecorecli #githubcopilot #contenthub #sitecoresearch #sitecorelunch
Sunny #SitecoreLunch today! Discussed:
🌳 Greenwashing
🎈 Long weekend!
🦓 Solr + ZooKeeper
💪 Git can do anything
🧟 Zombie Git branches
🆙 #ContentHub upgrades
⌨️ Last day to register for #SitecoreHackathon!
😱 Nightmare of running Solr in an Azure App Service
🤔 Will canceled #SitecoreSYM increase #SUGCON attendance?
See you same time next week! 🥪🥗
#sugcon #sitecoresym #sitecorehackathon #contenthub #sitecorelunch
Sunny #SitecoreLunch today! Discussed:
🌳 Greenwashing
🎈 Long weekend!
🦓 Solr + ZooKeeper
💪 Git can do anything
🧟 Zombie Git branches
🆙 #ContentHub upgrades
😱 Nightmare of running Solr in an Azure App Service
🤔 Will canceled #SitecoreSYM drive up #SUGCON attendance?
⌨️ Last day to register for #SitecoreHackathon!
#sitecorehackathon #sugcon #sitecoresym #contenthub #sitecorelunch
Join the #SitecoreCommunity tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. ET for this week's #SitecoreLunch. Chat #Sitecore, #ContentHub, and more! 🥬🍖
⏲️ when: tomorrow, 12:15 p.m. ET
🖥️ where: details in #Sitecore Slack #general channel
🍕 join #Sitecore Slack:
#general #contenthub #sitecore #sitecorelunch #sitecorecommunity