"Meta Keyword là gì?
Những điều cần biết về Meta Keywords trong SEO"
Thẻ Meta Keyword đã trở thành một phần không thể thiếu trong chiến lược SEO. Nhưng thực sự, thẻ này có ý nghĩa gì? Liệu việc tối ưu hóa Meta Keyword có thể đóng góp vào việc nâng cao thứ hạng trang web hay không? Mọi điều sẽ được tiết lộ trong bài viết dưới đây.
#meta_keyword_la_gi #kien_thuc_seo #dịch_vu_seo #on_page_seo #contentwriter #digitalmarketer
Meta Title là gì? 9 Tiêu chí tối ưu Title SEO chuẩn SEO
Tránh viết Meta Title quá gian lận hoặc không liên quan với nội dung thực tế của trang web, vì điều này có thể ảnh hưởng xấu đến trải nghiệm người dùng.
#seo #off_page_seo
#meta_title_la_gi #kien_thuc_seo #dịch_vu_seo #dich_vu_thiet_ke_web #seo #off_page_seo #on_page_seo #contentwriter #digitalmarketer #seoservice
Heading là gì? Cách kiểm tra, tối ưu thẻ Heading chuẩn SEO.
Heading là gì?" - Trong SEO Onpage, tối ưu hóa Heading là việc cần làm. Đọc Wcab Network để biết cách sử dụng thẻ Heading đúng cách.
#seo #off_page_seo
#kien_thuc_seo #dịch_vu_seo #dich_vu_thiet_ke_web #seo #off_page_seo #on_page_seo #contentwriter #digitalmarketer #seoservice #heading_la_gi
Internal Link là gì? Hướng dẫn tối ưu liên kết nội bộ cho SEO.
Liên kết nội bộ: Nối kết nội dung, tăng cường chuyển đổi trang web. Xây dựng liên kết nội bộ hiệu quả với Wcab Network.
#seo #off_page_seo
#internal_link_la_gi #kien_thuc_seo #dịch_vu_seo #dich_vu_thiet_ke_web #seo #off_page_seo #on_page_seo #contentwriter #digitalmarketer #seoservice
Alt Text là gì?
Cách viết Alt Text đạt hiệu quả cao khi SEO hình ảnh
SEO Google cần hình ảnh. Thiếu mô tả (Alt Text), Google chưa hiểu. Alt Text là gì? Tối ưu Alt Text SEO thế nào?
#alt text
#seo #off_page_seo #on_page_seo #contentwriter #digitalmarketer #usaservicefuture #seoservice
#alt #kienthucseo #dịchvuseo #seo #off_page_seo #on_page_seo #contentwriter #digitalmarketer #usaservicefuture #seoservice
Organic traffic là gì?
Tầm quan trọng của organic traffic đối với website doanh nghiệp
Khái niệm "lưu lượng tự nhiên" (Organic Traffic) đã trở thành một phần quan trọng đối với những người đang làm SEO hoặc quan tâm đến SEO. Yếu tố này ảnh hưởng đáng kể đến trang web doanh nghiệp.
#seo #off_page_seo #on_page_seo #contentwriter #digitalmarketer #usaservicefuture #seoservice
#organictraffic #kienthucseo #dịchvuseo #seo #off_page_seo #on_page_seo #contentwriter #digitalmarketer #usaservicefuture #seoservice
#JeRecrute, pas moi,
mais :vivaldi_gray: #Vivaldi #recrute un ou une « Content Writer » 📝 pour son bureau d'Oslo 🇳🇴 :
Source : Anne, co-fondatrice et responsable des ressources humaines de l'équipe Vivaldi :vivaldi_red:
#Emploi #OffreEmploi #Navigateur #Web #Browser #Content #Writer #ContentWriter
#jerecrute #vivaldi #recrute #emploi #offreemploi #navigateur #web #browser #content #writer #contentwriter
Why Browsing with AI Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be: The Great Google vs. GPT Debate https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/kyle/blog/why-browsing-with-ai-isnt-all-its-cracked-up-to-be-the-great-google-vs-gpt-debate?a_aid=2b9f302d #ChatGPT #ContentCreator #contentwriter #contentcreation
#chatgpt #contentcreator #contentwriter #contentcreation
RT @ruthsedarwrites
Hey, psst. Yeah, I'm talking to you. I've still got some availability in April and May. Snap me up before that guy does #copywriter #contentwriter https://twitter.com/ruthsedarwrites/status/1623321690313830401
The importance of rel=canonical for content writers https://blog.frankel.ch/rel-canonical-content-writers/
#seo #contentwriter #canonical
Anyhoo, time to try to get some work done, maybe finish a blog post. #seowriter #contentwriter #freelancewriting
#seowriter #contentwriter #freelancewriting
It's always a crapshoot buying themes and plugins. I found themes from Theme Forest require a lot of manual maintenance, so I stopped buying them. I'd much rather buy from a reputable Web Developer or hire one specifically for my project. @Itsecuritynews #cybersecurity #contentwriter #techwriter
#cybersecurity #contentwriter #techwriter
@Itsecuritynews: I stopped buy off of Theme Forest for Wordpress themes a while ago. Just felt it was too much work to maintain. Now, on reading this, I am glad I did. #cybersecurity #contentwriter
@CySecurityNews: Truly. Those in the #ThreatOps side of things talk about this a lot. Some apps that seem innocuous are the ones that sink the ship. Having a process for approving the use of new apps is critical. #cybersecurity #contentwriter #techwriter.
#threatops #cybersecurity #contentwriter #techwriter
"I enjoy working with brands and I love adding value."
This screenshot is my new letter of interest.
#Work #marketing #contentwriter
Hey folks, I need advice in advocating for my payment as a freelance content writer. I got questions handed to me and need some perspective on a few of them. This is for the freelance option (full-time/part-time separate).
2. What is your desired salary in US$ per word?
3. How many hours per week can you dedicate to Captain Words?
5. How many words can you [Write/Edit] per hour ?
Any advice is very appreciated! #writingcommuntity #contentwriter #salary #lifeadvice #LookingForFeedback
#writingcommuntity #contentwriter #salary #lifeadvice #LookingForFeedback
RT @waythroughwords@twitter.com
I’m taking on new copywriting projects!
So, whether you want your website to sound more like you or blog content that gets people on your side, let’s have a chat.
#Copywriter #ContentWriter #FreelanceCopywriter https://www.annalodwick.co.uk/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/waythroughwords/status/1617921313817120768
#copywriter #contentwriter #freelancecopywriter
"Our exploratory research points to deconstructed transitional mobility."
Fancy a go on the Gobbledygook generator, too? 😁
#plainenglish #contentwriter #BitOfFun #xl8
True or false? No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.
#languages #xl8 #contentwriter #english
I had a great workday today! Got some content written for a client. Finished my work in time to make dinner, and even managed to get some housework done. Going to try to finish the work week strong tomorrow and get a lot of writing finished!
How's your work week going?
#work #writing #writingcommunity #contentwriter