Gerhard Merz: Dove Sta Memoria, 1986. Installation in four rooms of the Kunstverein München/Munich. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Kunst und Geschichte: Bundesrepublikanische Kunst und deutsches Nationalbewußtsein. In: Artefactum, Nr.32/February – March 1990, p.6-9. PDF: #thomasdreher #installationart #ezrapound #eightiesart #artforartssake #contextart #abstractartist
#abstractartist #contextart #artforartssake #eightiesart #ezrapound #installationart #thomasdreher
Robert Barry: Marcuse Pieces, 1970-71. Series of invitations (illustration: card with invitation Nr.6: gallery Eugenia Butler, Los Angeles). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Kontextreflexive Kunst. In: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Kontext Kunst. Kunst der 90er Jahre. Cologne 1994, p.88. PDF: #robertbarry #thomasdreher #conceptart #conceptualart #conceptualartist #conceptualartists #conceptartwork #conceptartist #conceptartists #contextart #contextartwork
#contextartwork #contextart #conceptartists #conceptartist #conceptartwork #conceptualartists #conceptualartist #conceptualart #conceptart #thomasdreher #robertbarry
Robert Barry: Marcuse Pieces, 1970-71. Series of invitations (illustration: card with invitation Nr.6: gallery Eugenia Butler, Los Angeles). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Kontextreflexive Kunst. In: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Kontext Kunst. Kunst der 90er Jahre. Cologne 1994, p.88. PDF: #robertbarry #thomasdreher #conceptart #conceptualart #conceptualartist #conceptualartists #conceptartwork #conceptartist #conceptartists #contextart #contextartwork
#contextartwork #contextart #conceptartists #conceptartist #conceptartwork #conceptualartists #conceptualartist #conceptualart #conceptart #thomasdreher #robertbarry
Robert Barry: Closed Galleris, 1969. Invitation card, part of a series of invitations of galleries with the information "During the exhibition the gallery will be closed". More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Kontextreflexive Kunst. In: Weibel, Peter (ed.): Kontext Kunst. Kunst der 90er Jahre. Cologne 1994, p.87f. PDF: #robertbarry #thomasdreher #conceptart #conceptualart #conceptualartist #conceptualartists #conceptartwork #conceptartists #contextart #contextartwork
#contextartwork #contextart #conceptartists #conceptartwork #conceptualartists #conceptualartist #conceptualart #conceptart #thomasdreher #robertbarry
Dan Graham/Jeff Wall: Models of "Children's Pavilion", 1986-89. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Sculptural Models as Bridgeable Historical Metaphors, p.19f.,50. Internet: #dangraham #jeffwall #thomasdreher #contextart #conceptart #architectureasscuplture #artaspavilion #artasarchitecture #installationart #architecturemodel #architecturemodels
#architecturemodels #architecturemodel #installationart #artasarchitecture #artaspavilion #architectureasscuplture #conceptart #contextart #thomasdreher #jeffwall #dangraham
Joseph Kosuth: The Second Investigation, 1968-1970. Multipart work in different media. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Kontextreflexive Kunst: Selbst- und Fremdbezüge in intermedialen Präsentationsformen, p.88-91. PDF: #josephkosuth #conceptualart #conceptualartist #conceptualartwork #conceptualartworks #contextart #contextartwork #contextualart #thomasdreher #josephkosuthinvestigation
#josephkosuthinvestigation #thomasdreher #contextualart #contextartwork #contextart #conceptualartworks #conceptualartwork #conceptualartist #conceptualart #josephkosuth
Daniel Buren: Affichages sauvages, Paris, Mai 1969. Part of "Summer Show", curated by Seth Siegelaub. Photo of the catalogue by © Photo Jacques Caumont, Paris. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Konzeptuelle Kunst in Amerika und England zwischen 1963 und 1976. Frankfurt am Main 1992, p.171f. PDF: #danielburen #contextart #contextartist #contextartists #artinFrance #thomasdreher
#thomasdreher #artinfrance #contextartists #contextartist #contextart #DanielBuren
Lancel, Karen: StalkShow, Rotterdam, Schiedam et al, from July 2003 to 2008 (portable computer, Internet, W-lan, large screen, touch screen, WebCam). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Sammeltipp 3: Fassaden und Telepräsenz, Teil 1. Internet:
#karenlancel #computerart #urbanscreens #urbanscreen #computerartist #MobileInstallation #urbanart #urbanartists #urbanartist #contextart #contextartwork #digitalart #digitalartwork #digitalartworks #digitalartist #thomasdreher
#thomasdreher #digitalartist #digitalartworks #digitalartwork #DigitalArt #contextartwork #contextart #urbanartist #urbanartists #urbanart #mobileinstallation #computerartist #urbanscreen #urbanscreens #computerart #karenlancel
Art & Language (Terry Atkinson, Michael Baldwin): Print (2 sections A and B), 1966. A piece of paper for exhibitions asking "Is this piece of paper an art work?" More informations in: Thomas Dreher: Art & Language. Kontextreflexive Kunst im Kunstkontext. Plurifunktionale und mehrschichtige Bild- und Diskursmodelle. In:
#conceptart #conceptartist #conceptartwork #artandlanguage #contextart #contextualism #conceptualart #conceptualartist #conceptualartists
#conceptualartists #conceptualartist #conceptualart #contextualism #contextart #artandlanguage #conceptartwork #conceptartist #conceptart