Looking forward to this.
The Continental: From the World of John Wick
#JohnWick #Continental
Wanted to go for a bike ride, but my rear tire is toast. 😱 ordered new one.
#cycling #biketooter #continental #grandprix5000
Die Earnings für Mittwoch.
#Sony, #Disney, #Continental, #Eon...
#quartalsberichte #eon #continental #disney #sony
Packed ballroom 20 for the #Continental panel #johnwick #sdcc #sdcc2023
#continental #johnwick #sdcc #sdcc2023
What kind of wear do you get from your tubeless tires? I switched at the beginning of 2023, and my #Continental 5000's seem worn more than half way. My maintenance logs show I've got about 3200 mi / 5100 km on them, I seem to recall getting more wear from tires before switching.
Is this normal?
I've done two formal courses on how these things work, one in college and one for the licence, and I've used one for 25 years, but I think this is the first time I've actually seen one, in the flesh so to speak, with the head off.
It's pretty fecking awesome.
#learningtofly #cessna150 #continental
#Continental Grand Prix Classic 25mm
Continental Grand Prix 4000 S II
でも、4,000km くらいでケージがほつれてくるんよね笑、懐かしい
そのまえは Pana closer とか、
vittoria でしたん・・・
Saw a knitter on the subway, a picker but with the right hand (I'm a thrower, w/my right [active] hand, usually I see pickers w/yarn in left [passive; not the needle] hand). I asked and she knit the beautiful colorwork sweater she was wearing. Grey w/off-white blocks. Small needles for me, they looked like four or fives.
#knit #purl #colorwork #not #my #thing #cables I #love #knitter #thrower #picker #Continental #European #knitting #purling #cabling #color #work too #size #needles
#knit #purl #colorwork #not #my #thing #cables #love #knitter #thrower #picker #continental #european #knitting #purling #cabling #color #work #size #needles
Weiss nicht was bei der dt. Autoindustrie & Zulieferindustrie falsch läuft, die kaufen Akkus lieber von der China-Stange und fahren volle Pulle gegen die Wand. Eigenentwicklungen??
#toyota #vw #audi #porsche #mercedes #bmw #bosch #continental #zf #brose #schaeffler #Mahle
#toyota #vw #audi #porsche #mercedes #bmw #bosch #continental #zf #brose #schaeffler #Mahle
#Analytic vs #Continental Philosophy: The Weirding of the Divide: https://www.thephilosopher1923.org/post/the-weirding-of-the-divide https://dfaria.eu/twtxt?hashtag=2023-07-02T18:21:19Z
#Aerotelegraph - Traveller und Sentinel: Tecnam lässt bei der P2012 das Kolbenmotorgefühl wieder aufleben - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/tecnam-laesst-bei-der-p2012-das-kolbenmotorgefuehl-wieder-aufleben #GeneralAviation #Continental #tecnamp2012 #italien #tecnam
#Aerotelegraph #generalaviation #continental #tecnamp2012 #italien #tecnam
#Continental #UltraContact NXT lo #pneumatico di serie più sostenibile, il primo a contenere fino al 65% di materiali #rinnovabili o #riciclati.
Disponibile da #luglio2023 sostituirà gradualmente tutte le misure dell'attuale serie UltraContact.
#continental #ultracontact #pneumatico #rinnovabili #riciclati #luglio2023
[#EuroAllemand] 🇪🇺 🇩🇪 Le 24 mai, journée découverte franco-allemande entre des élèves du lycée #Bascan et la société #Continental Automotive de #Rambouillet. En savoir plus |→ https://lyc-bascan.fr/journee-decouverte-franco-allemande-entre-des-eleves-du-lycee-bascan-et-la-societe-continental-automotive-de-rambouillet/
#euroallemand #bascan #continental #rambouillet
#Analytic and #continental philosophers were once united in their obsession with #language. But now new questions have arisen: https://aeon.co/essays/how-philosophys-obsession-with-language-unravelled https://dfaria.eu/news?hashtag=2023-05-17T08:00:02Z
#analytic #continental #language
Continental plant mit Aurora "Hardware-as-a-Service" für autonome Lkw in den USA
Fahrermangel, Energiekosten und Zeitdruck – die Logistikbranche hofft stark auf autonome Lkw. In diesen Markt strebt zunächst US-weit Continental mit Aurora.
#autonomesfahren #continental #news
Digitaler Autoschlüssel "CoSmA" erkennt nun auch im Auto zurückgelassene Kinder
Das Zulieferunternehmen Continental stellt eine Erkennungsfunktion für im Auto zurückgelassene Kinder auf Basis seines digitalen Autoschlüssels "Cosma" vor.
#auto #breitbandausbau #continental #zulieferer #news
#continental : of or pertaining to the main land of europe, in distinction from the adjacent islands, especially england
- French: continental
- German: kontinental
- Italian: continentale
- Portuguese: continental
- Spanish: continental
Report an incorrect translation @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
A #tradition in #continental #Europe but not "the done thing" here. The food colouring isn't for egg shells and results would be better with white eggs, but nonetheless I gave it a go. I discovered that it works reasonably well if you use an entire little bottle of food colouring. Put the #eggs in a pot, pour in the food colouring, and cover with cold water. Leave it for an hour then bring the water to a boil and leave it boiling for 5 minutes to get an egg that's just hard boiled.
#tradition #continental #europe #eggs
Still happy for the #PokemonGo friends I have made from all over the world. ❤️
Now I only miss the following regions for #scatterbug :
My trainer code is
0762 5084 1214
I send gifts every second/third day.
I am in the #Continental region, and might visit Tundra and Polar.
If you are tired of Continentals, you are of course welcome to delete me again after the three gifts needed. I would be grateful for the help.❤️
If you are another region and need Continental, do add me.😊
#pokemongo #scatterbug #jungle #monsoon #sun #continental