On sale tomorrow, #AlisonGaylin joins the #RobertBParker #Continuation effort w/ her #SunnyRandall #Novel #RobertBParkersBadInfluence. Here's my #Review: https://chatterrific.blogspot.com/2023/02/robert-b-parkers-bad-influence-by.html #Bookstodon
#alisongaylin #robertbparker #continuation #sunnyrandall #novel #robertbparkersbadinfluence #review #bookstodon
Continuations Brief Summary. Studied the topic a bit and brought you a write-up. Should be interesting for people related to programming, and especially for scheme and lisp users.
#programming #scheme #lisp #clojure #commonlisp #callcc #continuation
#programming #scheme #lisp #clojure #commonlisp #callcc #continuation
#RobertBParker intentionally never wrote from #Hawk's POV, fearing it would demystify the #Character. I wouldn't mind Putnam considering #Continuation #Novels from Hawk's POV. If executed well, they'd open a new revenue stream and keep enough mystery. #GaryPhillips has an #Essay, "Looking for Hawk" in the Parker tribute anthology #InPursuitOfSpenser from #SmartPopBooks: https://smartpopbooks.com/book/in-pursuit-of-spenser/
#robertbparker #hawk #character #continuation #novels #garyphillips #essay #inpursuitofspenser #smartpopbooks
My first thoughts on the #Premise of the next #Spenser #Continuation #Novel #RobertBParkersBrokenTrust and #MikeLupica's move up the ranks to the plum #RobertBParker continuation job: https://chatterrific.blogspot.com/2023/03/robert-b-parkers-broken-trust-by-mike.html
#premise #spenser #continuation #novel #robertbparkersbrokentrust #mikelupica #robertbparker
A fortuneteller is like the call/cc procedure in #Scheme #programming language: when invoked on the present state of your life, the fortuneteller returns the current #continuation representing the entirety of your future life.
#FunctionalProgramming matters—sometimes.
#functionalprogramming #continuation #programming #scheme
@dabeaz I think that #Scheme `(set! var value)` is essentially the same as #Python `var=value` ... for a Python abstract interpreter (type analyzer) in #Prolog, I used something similar to #continuation-passing, but with 4 items in the continuations (some are lists, some are red-black trees; all are immutable) - these can be a bit of pain to manipulate but I used a #monad-like notation to simplify things. I presume that something similar could be done in #Haskell.
#haskell #monad #continuation #prolog #python #scheme
#Buddhism #BuddhistMastodon #Mindfulness #ThichNhatHanh #Peace #OneAction #Thay
#Continuation #PlumVillage #Sangha
Watch "The Great Bell Chant | Thich Nhat Hanh & Thay Phap Niem" on YouTube https://youtu.be/TJzUaVXjLYY
#buddhism #buddhistmastodon #mindfulness #thichnhathanh #peace #oneaction #thay #continuation #PlumVillage #sangha
The one year memorial of Thay's passing. #OrderOfInterbeing #ZenMaster
#ThichNhatHanH #Breathe
The film is so beautiful and it released now #PresentMoment #IHaveArrivedIAmHome
#orderofinterbeing #zenmaster #thichnhathanh #breathe #continuation #presentmoment #ihavearrivediamhome
#Continuation #Interbeing #Podcasts
Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma Talks | The Noble Eightfold Path on Podbean https://www.podbean.com/ea/dir-q7k2j-83ef82f
#continuation #interbeing #Podcasts
#Interbeing #Continuation #ThichNhatHanh
The Way Out Is In | Beyond Words: The Power of Presence (Episode #33) on Podbean https://www.podbean.com/ea/dir-tt5i4-1433c205
#interbeing #continuation #thichnhathanh
“When we die, they may bury us or collect our ashes, but remember this: from baby teeth to skin cells and everything in between, most of the matter that has worn your name is already spread throughout the world. We bury our remains in the soil of our lifetimes… The substance of your form is not fixed. It flows like a river to and from the wilderness.”
From ‘Field Guide to the Haunted Forest’ by Jarod K Anderson
#interbeing #continuation #LifeAndDeath
#interbeing #continuation #lifeanddeath
@continuation Thank you for sharing these gems. #continuation #engagedBuddhism #interbeing
#continuation #engagedbuddhism #Interbeing
Do you think #continuation #authors should stay as close as they can to the original author's style?
My poem "Installment"
Thank you for reading this.
Poem text link:
#poem #poetry #poetrylovers #poetrycommunity #readingcommunity #writing #life #love #living #survive #continuance #continue #continuation #inspire #inspiration #inspirational #metaphors
#poem #poetry #poetrylovers #poetrycommunity #readingcommunity #writing #life #love #living #survive #continuance #continue #continuation #inspire #inspiration #inspirational #metaphors
Title Page.
Is everyone sitting comfortably? Then let's begin.
This will be a picture/ comic book story about how the Gummi's came to live in Ursalia with a series continuation. However my entire gallery and body of work somewhat falls into this already, so I guess this is the title of my gallery.
#Disney #gummi_bears #cub #boy #girl #city #comic #cute #title_page #80s_cartoons #continuation
#80s_cartoons #girl #comic #disney #gummi_bears #city #cub #boy #cute #title_page #continuation
Title Page.
Is everyone sitting comfortably? Then let's begin.
This will be a picture/ comic book story about how the Gummi's came to live in Ursalia with a series continuation. However my entire gallery and body of work somewhat falls into this already, so I guess this is the title of my gallery.
#Disney #gummi_bears #cub #boy #girl #city #comic #cute #title_page #80s_cartoons #continuation
#80s_cartoons #girl #comic #disney #gummi_bears #city #cub #boy #cute #title_page #continuation
#Visualizing the #Riemann #hypothesis and #analytic #continuation - YouTube
#Complex #analysis is such a beautiful piece of #maths.
#hypothesis #analytic #Visualizing #continuation #complex #analysis #maths #mathematics #riemann