It's kind of cool to see how an old project of mine has inspired others that took it to a new level.
By random encounter I found two projects that improved on the old Javaflow continuations implementation:
It's a bit of a shame they didn't come together at Apache.
After all it was the lack of people that let Javaflow die in the sandbox.
Thanks to @foojay for letting me write and publish an article about RIFE2 for their audience!
#java #webframework #web #framework #opensource #continuations
#java #webframework #web #framework #opensource #continuations
Finished the RIFE2 manual for the v1.0.0 release. The manual ended up being 37 chapters and I'm sure it's still going to grow!
Now I need to finish some Javadocs and it'll be time to start announcing the next #RIFE generation in the #Java communities!
#rife #java #web #framework #continuations #productivity
I've been experimenting with other useful systems that can be built on top of RIFE2's native #Java #continuations engine. I came up with a really small and lean #workflow engine that suspends tasks in memory with continuations, not putting threads in wait states but only waking them up when there's actual logic to execute.
If you're curious, there's a concise example in the RIFE2 tests:
#java #continuations #workflow
I've been experimenting with other useful systems that can be built on top of RIFE2's native #Java #continuations engine. I came up with a really small and lean #workflow engine that suspends tasks in memory with continuations, not putting threads in wait states but only waking them up when there's actual logic to execute.
If you're curious, there's a concise example in the RIFE2 tests:
#java #continuations #workflow
Just finished solving day 13 part 01 of #adventofcode:
Parallelized it, even if input size does not really require it.
Learning: One can use continuations to avoid encoding the 3 comparison (less, equal, greater) results into 3 values 💡
#programming #coding #guile #scheme #parallelism #continuations
#adventofcode #programming #coding #guile #scheme #parallelism #continuations
Complete number guessing game webapp in #Java with #RIFE2 and #continuations, all the code is here, including server startup.
You can learn more about web continuations from the RIFE2 docs:
#java #rife2 #continuations #webdevelopment #framework #pragmatic #productivity
RIFE2 v0.9.0 provides support for #Java #web #continuations again, including several examples and documentation.
Stoked that RIFE2's web #continuations are now working in plain #Java with the latest JRE versions!
#continuations #java #rife2 #web #programming
I just learned about call/cc (#continuations) by reading this article, that was pretty crazy stuff
Tellement c'est bordélique :ablobcatknitsweats:​
I started to review this video #continuations in #scheme
It's the only content I know about conts that is expressed n a human language
I highly recommend it, it does provide huge a ha moments
It's easier to process delimited conts when you have regular conts settled
some years ago I run into a paper about a new kind of user interaction in a terminal implemented with #continuations in #scheme
I'd love to find it again
I have this procedure
(define (map f '(0 1 2))
(define (map-iter '(0 1 2) accum)
(cond ((null? '(0 1 2)) (accum '(0 1 2)))
(map-iter (cdr '(0 1 2)) (lambda (x) (accum (cons (f (car '(0 1 2))) x)))))))
(map-iter '(0 1 2) (lambda (x) x)))
and then I have
(define (f x)
(+ x 1))
(define my-list (list 0 1 2))
I'd LOVE to be able to do an explicit substitution as in the SICP exercises 1.9 and 1.10
Because I need to wrap my head around this continuations thing
I can't
I'm getting confused
Can anyone help me ?
#scheme #continuations #sicp #guile