
, and now are rolling out a new network that has not been proven safe with over 230 scientists calling for more testing due to and other legitimate concerns (backed up by study over many years).

Can we really be lectured-to about safety?

Stay safe everyone.

#wireless #emf #melanoma #peerreviewed #australia #covidsafe #contractTracing #ContactTracing #overreach #masssurveillance #discrimination #extortion #holdingAustraliaHostage #corporatism #bigBusiness #fatigue #fear #isolation

Last updated 5 years ago

Are they still claiming its open-source despite the dependencies being closed-source?

#opensource #closedsource #auspol #contractTracing #google #apple #openwashing

Last updated 5 years ago

Could we develop an app that depends on phone chips not being biased in how they produce ? Ie. If there is a bias then the app might not work well, thus forcing in the to expose any problems in an open and transparent manner?

We are not experts in but it seems like a worthy thing to attempt.

#opensource #contractTracing #randomNumbers #whistleblowers #secuityState #cryptography #appdevelopment #fdroid #newApp #coronavirus #counterInsurgency #digitalRight #digitalfreedom

Last updated 5 years ago