Delighted to receive the latest book in our ICLARS Series on Law and Religion published by Routledge - ‘Religion and Contract Law in Islam: From Medieval Trade to Global Finance’ by Valentino Cattelan.
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#LawandReligion #law #religion #islam #contractlaw
Be careful where you stick that thumb 😉
"Texting thumbs-up emoji in response to a question costs Sask. farmer $82K in contract case"
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#legalhistory #legaleducation #lawschool #lawstudents #employmentlaw #equityandtrusts #equity #trustslaw #trustsandwills #landlaw #propertylaw #tortlaw #Tort #contractlaw #criminallaw #constitution #publiclaw #legal #commonlaw #law
Ars Technica: Google never agreed it wouldn’t copy Genius’ song lyrics, US official says #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #searchresults #copyrightact #copyrightlaw #contractlaw #songlyrics #Policy #genius #google #SCOTUS
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #searchresults #copyrightact #copyrightlaw #contractlaw #songlyrics #policy #genius #google #scotus
Google never agreed it wouldn’t copy Genius’ song lyrics, US official says - Enlarge (credit: maxshutter | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
Afte... - #searchresults #copyrightact #copyrightlaw #contractlaw #songlyrics #policy #genius #google #scotus
#scotus #google #genius #policy #songlyrics #contractlaw #copyrightlaw #copyrightact #searchresults
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‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ will be published soon by Cambridge University Press:
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#criminallaw #labourlaw #tortlaw #Tort #contracts #contractlaw #landlaw #propertylaw #administrativelaw #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #historyoflaw #history #sqe #llb #lawschools #lawschool #studyinglaw #introductiontolaw #legaleducation #lawstudent #lawstudents #law
#tolerance #paradoxoftolerance #critiqueofpuretolerance #contractlaw #bigotry #HateSpeech #hatecrimes #freedomofspeech
If an AI accepts a EULA and nobody is there to manifest assent, does it make a contract? Nope, but then again, consumer assent to clickwrap/browsewrap agreements is already mostly pretend. Anyway, this will be a real issue soon: AI tools that use mouse/GUI are on the way. #lawfedi #contractlaw #ipprofs #ailaw #contracts #lawkoans
#lawkoans #Contracts #ailaw #ipprofs #contractlaw #lawfedi
re: the pod’s brief mention of #magic in relation to conspiracy theories, I offer this piece on magic as institutional mechanism. #ContractLaw #magia
So #SuellaBraverman's defence is that while an email to #Tory supporters appeared under her name, she neither wrote it or sanctioned it.... so let me get this right the Home Secretary is now prepared to argue that signed statements are not indicative of the opinions or claims of the signatory - I'm not sure the #RuleofLaw can survive such a position; I'm looking forward to see how the detachment of signatories from the documents they sign plays out, not least in #contractlaw!
#SuellaBraverman #tory #RuleofLaw #contractlaw
you know, our jobs are hard. we don't have to make them harder by refusing to send each other editable versions of the agreement we're negotiating.
I just.. do you think by refusing to send over a .docx means I just won't negotiate terms? or do you think that means I have to export your PDF to Word, and spend a good chunk of time cleaning up formatting so that by the time I'm actually sitting down to go through it, im angrier than a rabid raccoon?! i mean for fox sake.
#law #university #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #legaleducation #legalhistory #feminism #criticalracetheory #anglosaxons #anglosaxon #norman #normans #plantagenet #plantagenets #magnacarta #blackdeath #tudor #tudors #stuarts #stuart #thecivilwar #constitution #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #criminallaw #tort #tortlaw #contract #contractlaw #propertylaw #landlaw #trusts #equity #labourlaw #commonlaw #courts
#courts #commonlaw #labourlaw #equity #trusts #landlaw #propertylaw #contractlaw #contract #tortlaw #Tort #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #constitution #thecivilwar #stuart #stuarts #tudors #tudor #blackdeath #magnacarta #plantagenets #plantagenet #normans #norman #anglosaxon #anglosaxons #criticalracetheory #feminism #legalhistory #legaleducation #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #university #law
From Teresa Wright’s 1941 Goldwyn Studios contract:
‘Nor may she pose in any of the following situations: […] attired in firecrackers and holding skyrockets for the Fourth of July; looking insinuatingly at a turkey for Thanksgiving; wearing a bunny cap with long ears for Easter; twinkling on prop snow in a skiing outfit while a fan blows her scarf; assuming an athletic stance while pretending to hit something with a bow and arrow.’
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Singapore Executive Sues Woman for $2.3 Million for ‘Friendzoning’ Him #Jezebel #causeofaction #humanbehavior #contractlaw #kkawshigan #defamation #law2ccrime #singapore #countries #articles #contract #damages #tortlaw #dating #incel
#jezebel #causeofaction #humanbehavior #contractlaw #kkawshigan #defamation #law2ccrime #singapore #countries #articles #contract #damages #tortlaw #dating #incel
#Law #Legal #Rights #Inquiry #CivilRights #ContractLaw
💔 Asking
What rights does a family have RE: body of a pet contracted for wake + burial -- if a party in the 'chain of trust' (for want of a term) had secretly violated/disrupted the spirit of it, & in lieu of the understood, unmolested, intact remains, funeral director discovers ...dismembered, partial remains were sent?
#law #legal #rights #inquiry #civilrights #contractlaw
“A terrorist plot to overthrow the government is, well, not legal.” - @benjaminwittes #sedition #contractlaw
People who use black as their default font color when tracking changes in Word are sociopaths. #ContractLaw