Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 29/29:
The last day of this abomination. Tomorrow we can all return to watching football!
As for today, here’s a football match for you, in the 15 man code. Nearly 50 years ago, one of the greatest matches ever played. Do keep watching after That Try — there’s still plenty of amazing rugby to come.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #TheBetterGame
#insteadofworldcup #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #thebettergame
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 26/29:
The Pitch Drop Experiment began in 1928. Since then, nine drops have fallen, showing that pitch is a liquid. SCIENCE!!!
Click through for a live feed of the experiment. The next drop will probably fall in 2026, so think twice before popping into the kitchen for a sandwich.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #MoreExcitingThanThe2003ChampionsLeagueFinal
#insteadofworldcup #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #moreexcitingthanthe2003championsleaguefinal
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 26/29:
The Pitch Drop Experiment began in 1928. Since then, nine drops have fallen, showing that pitch is a liquid. SCIENCE!!!
Click through for a live feed of the experiment. The next drop will probably fall in 2026, so think twice before popping into the kitchen for a sandwich.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #MoreExcitingThanThe2003ChampionsLeagueFinal
#insteadofworldcup #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #moreexcitingthanthe2003championsleaguefinal
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 24/29:
Russian-born, Wassily #Kandinsky spent most of his artistic career in #Germany and #France. He died in #Paris 78 years ago today, shortly after the city was liberated from the Nazi occupiers.
Click through for an article describing Kandinsky’s journey to #abstraction.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #Early20thCenturyPainting #BlaueReiter #Bauhaus
#insteadofworldcup #kandinsky #germany #france #paris #abstraction #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #early20thcenturypainting #blauereiter #bauhaus
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 23/29:
Don’t get the wrong idea about #football! When it’s not parasitized by stinkingly corrupt #bagmen and its premier tournament hasn’t been hijacked by a resource-extracting mediaeval #theocracy, it can be a wonderful game. AND YOU CAN PLAY IT ONLINE! Just click the link below.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #ButRugbyIsStillTheBetterGame
#insteadofworldcup #football #bagmen #theocracy #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #butrugbyisstillthebettergame
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 20/29:
#Molecules — who doesn’t love ‘em? With the linked tool #MolView, you can visualize them in all sorts of ways and even create your own.
Here’s a structural image of #luciferase, which (if you can somehow manage to synthesize it in your buttocks) will make your arse glow in the dark.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #SCIENCE! #GlowInTheDarkArsesFTW
#insteadofworldcup #molecules #molview #luciferase #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #science #glowinthedarkarsesftw
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 19/29:
Concerned that #ChatGPT will win every #Bulwer_Lytton_Prize from now to eternity? Tired of seeing #Rybka humiliate grand masters at #chess?
Well, now YOU can play a complex game of strategy against a #computer, and if you’re not a total moron, you will win or at least draw Every. Single. Time.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #TakeThatYouSiliconFiend
#insteadofworldcup #chatgpt #bulwer_lytton_prize #rybka #chess #computer #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #takethatyousiliconfiend
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 18/29:
Two things, to be precise.
On this day in 43 BCE #Cicero was murdered on #Mark_Antony’s orders. Follow the 1st link to read his speeches against #Catiline as you reflect on contemporary politicians.
And #Tom_Waits turns 73 today. Follow the 2nd link for a pleasant song.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #QuoUsqueTandem
#insteadofworldcup #cicero #mark_antony #catiline #tom_waits #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #quousquetandem
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 17/29:
How often have you wept, not knowing the #weather in and around #Inverness?
Well, weep no more! This modern #webcam will show you the weather on the shores of #Loch_Ness whenever you like. Check it obsessively, until 19 December after about 20:00 UTC+3.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #EndlesslyFascinating #ButProbablyGreyAndRainyLikeTheLastTimeYouChecked
#insteadofworldcup #weather #inverness #webcam #loch_ness #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #endlesslyfascinating #butprobablygreyandrainylikethelasttimeyouchecked
@nickbwalking Pretty much the only part of my #boycott of the #Qatar #WorldCup #abomination that costs me personally is forgoing watching #England get stuffed (#inshallah) by #Senegal.
And I don’t even hate the England XI! It’s more a logical extension of the #NoCake principle.
#boycott #qatar #worldcup #abomination #england #inshallah #senegal #nocake #contrailcalciomoderno
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 15/29:
More than half way to the end of this #abomination!
Instead of watching the #footballers, make #anagrams of their names! All their names. Every last one.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #LobAloft
#insteadofworldcup #abomination #footballers #anagrams #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #lobaloft
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 14/29:
Listen to an #AI simulate a conversation between #German #filmmaker #Werner #Herzog and #philosophe #slovène #Slavoj “Who?” #Žižek.
You can listen to it until this abomination of a football tournament has ended.
Indeed, you can listen to it until the universe achieves heat death.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #Pretension #Skynet
#insteadofworldcup #ai #german #filmmaker #werner #Herzog #philosophe #Slovene #slavoj #zizek #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #pretension #skynet
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 14/29:
Listen to an #AI simulate a conversation between #German #filmmaker #Werner #Herzog and #philosophe #slovène #Slavoj “Who?” #Žižek.
You can listen to it until this abomination of a football tournament has ended.
Indeed, you can listen to it until the universe achieves heat death.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #Pretension #Skynet
#insteadofworldcup #ai #german #filmmaker #werner #Herzog #philosophe #Slovene #slavoj #zizek #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #pretension #skynet
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 14/29:
Listen to an #AI simulate a conversation between German filmmaker Werner #Herzog and philosophe slovène Slavoj “Who?” #Žižek.
You can listen to it until this abomination of a football tournament has ended.
Indeed, you can listen to it until the universe achieves heat death.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #Pretension #Skynet
#insteadofworldcup #ai #Herzog #zizek #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #pretension #skynet
From Private Eye.
#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno
#NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 4/29:
Put together a jigsaw puzzle with no picture. Just as tedious and pointless as the footie, without the corruption, homophobia and homicidal exploitation of desperate foreign workers!
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #HoursOfFunForTheWholeFamily
#insteadofworldcup #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #hoursoffunforthewholefamily
Hooray, the DFB (German Football Association) grows a spine — because major sponsors threaten to withhold funding if it does not.
#REWE #DFB #OneLove #NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno
#rewe #dfb #onelove #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 3/29:
Extract DNA from your own spittle and cheek-scrapings! It's fun and educational*, and you can then use it to create a mindlessly loyal clone army .
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #ScienceProject #CloneArmy
* No, really. See here:
#insteadofworldcup #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #scienceproject #clonearmy
Iran's XI, in stark contrast to FIFA's contemptible, craven arse-licking, refuse on global television to sing the anthem of their wretched clericofascist conservative state.
#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno #LastKingLastPriest #NiDieuxNiMaîtres
#NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno #lastkinglastpriest #nidieuxnimaitres
Things to do #InsteadOfWorldCup, 2/29:
Teach yourself to juggle. Already know how? Take it to the next level — instead of balls, use cats.
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#NoWorldCup2022 #Boycott #FIFA #Qatar #CorruptWretches #ContraIlCalcioModerno
#insteadofworldcup #NoWorldCup2022 #boycott #fifa #qatar #corruptwretches #contrailcalciomoderno