Spent yesterday watching a patreon-only private video by #Contrapoints on the topic of G*m*rgate and now her month's worth of reading and analysis is gone 😩
This Contra Points video is spectacular, as are all her videos, but the last chapter in particular is really really excellent.
Explaining why TERFs are anti-trans and why there are such strong parallels with the conservative anti-feminist women of the 70s and 80s very succinctly:
what if #contrapoints posted regularly
i just want her to call me gorge again :c
#ContraPoints 2017
#DecryptingTheAltRight: How to Recognise A #Fascist
#contrapoints #decryptingthealtright #fascist #farright #extremism #extremedroite
New entry on our website: "HARPSICHORD | ContraPlays"
#thefateofthefuture #contrapoints #videoseries #english
@davey_cakes as an aside, I support a YouTuber called #Contrapoints on patreon. I think she was the best thing about lockdown. Her videos are a sensory and intellectual salve.
In her patreon-only content, she traced the origin of referring to LGBT community as "groomers" to our very own piece of sh!t Graham Linehan.
Lives have been lost "saving the children". A decision like the one this server made literally saves lives.
Bach - from Brandenburg Concerto #5, played by Natalie Wynn https://youtu.be/d0nmPxMvNV0
#harpsichord #bach #contrapoints
The Witch Trials of J.K. #Rowling | #ContraPoints @contrapoints YouTube – https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg
…interesting comparison with the historical movement against Anita Bryant
I’m watching a Contrapoints video essay. My husband came in and was VERY confused about why Glen Beck was on the TV for a second.
#pride #videoessay #contrapoints
#pride #videoessay #contrapoints
@CharlotteEowyn What is it about Joannes?
#ContraPoints #NatalieWynn #Joanne
CW for images: direct eye contact
#contrapoints #nataliewynn #joanne
Hey look at this
* The Witch Trials of #JKRowling | #ContraPoints https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmT0i0xG6zg (h/t Rusty Foster)
* I enjoyed Cory Doctorow's new travelogue/thriller "Red Team Blues" https://www.superpunch.net/2023/04/i-enjoyed-cory-doctorows-new.html
* Help #BrianEwing battle cancer https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-brian-ewing-battle-cancer (h/t Super Punch)
#jkrowling #contrapoints #brianewing
New Video!!!
Casualty Of A Failed Witchhunt: Why Did #ContraPoints Lie About #Vaush? (Disk Horse)
Link: https://youtu.be/1O69XMbfgQ0
#Mental Health #Politics #Transgender #LGBTQIA #NonBinary #JessAndZena #TransGirlTherapist #ZenaAndPoppy #Vaush #Contrapoints #NatalieWynn #KatBlaque #JKRowling #Youtube
#youtube #jkrowling #katblaque #nataliewynn #zenaandpoppy #transgirltherapist #jessandzena #nonbinary #lgbtqia #transgender #politics #mental #vaush #contrapoints
Alguien tenía que avisar que #Contrapoints subió un video nuevo
If you're on the market for a YouTube philosopher, I recommend checking out her video Envy as a starting point:
I just can't get enough #contrapoints
#Contrapoints released a new video this week: the Witch Trials of JK Rowling. Running close to two hours in length, it gives a powerful overview of anti gay narratives of Anita Bryant and finds parallels in the anti-trans narrative JK Rowling and friends peddle today.
Yes, this is two hours long. And yes, ContraPoints can be a bit longwinded. But I assure you, this is worth your time.
The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
#transrights #jkrowling #contrapoints
Efter att ha lyssnat i 7 timmar på podden 'The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling' behövdes en 2 timmars återställare från #ContraPoints. Grymt bra!