#Baby's eye-view of the world trains #AI to l#earn #English language?
In Wai Keen Vong's poster, "Grounded language acquisition through the eyes and ears of a single child", we learned how a multimodal #neuralNetwork model learned words——sometimes multiple senses of a word (like "button": the one that secures clothes and the one you press)!
Another standout poster at the #Philosophy of #DeepLearning #conference at #NYU.
#ComputerScience #ComputerVision #ContrastiveLearning #MachineLearning
#baby #ai #english #neuralnetwork #philosophy #deeplearning #conference #nyu #computerscience #computervision #contrastivelearning #machinelearning
Data-Efficient #AI: How to Build Good AI Solutions When Data Is Scarce - https://t2m.io/XKpr3bFQ - #DeepLearning #TransferLearning #ContrastiveLearning
#ai #deeplearning #transferlearning #contrastivelearning