Started the day with a tiny #contribution to EXT:styleguide to fix an issue which was inherited to the #TYPO3 TCA documentation.
Always remember: also these tiny contributions help to make TYPO3 and it's eco system better for everyone!
Hey, today I found one more unrespectful #localization situation:
- pot file not updated in 4 years while Po files keep receiving translators work.
- Po files are merged using maintainer name, and not the translator name... Yes @weblate does provide commit with the translator name.
And yes, weblate detects context references to unexisting file, which triggers an alert, which point at you, maintainer.
Can we be respected? If so, just update this and keep our names in git
#floss #contribution
#localization #floss #contribution
Great article on #senior #engineers and measuring #contribution instead of #storypoints - I couldn't agree more.
"The Worst #Programmer I Know - Dan North & Associates Ltd"
#engineering #engineers #software #development #agile #story #team #management #dev #complexity #teams #architecture
#senior #engineers #contribution #storypoints #programmer #engineering #software #development #agile #story #team #management #dev #complexity #teams #architecture
My morning thoughts about free/libre software (I'm probably still wondering why I love it and how to rationalize the time and efforts I put in it ;)
Here it goes
Free software encourages engagement and contribution from all, fostering synergy that transcends business boundaries. With less financial means it puts everything into the tool itself, nothing into monetizing it.
#contribution #floss #foss #opensource
Avec l'asso dont je suis membre (@iel24 ) nous organisons une promenade de contribution à #Périgueux le Samedi 29/07 justement en ce sens ;)
Présenter et montrer la #contribution à OpenStreetMaps, et plusieurs de nos membres ne sont pas technicien·ne·s.
#WiKeys, c'est fun, c'est facile et rapide à comprendre, et c'est gratuit (c'est disponible en print&play pour 6 joueurs sur le site de Wikimédia France). Là, on a testé le seul et unique exemplaire conçu pour être joué à 12 joueurs.
Un outil de médiation sur la #contribution à #Wikipédia, et sur l'#EMI, indispensable pour les médiathèques et centres culturels, MJC... !
Résultat de la partie : on a loupé de peu la labellisation d'Article de Qualité !
#wikeys #contribution #wikipedia #emi
Codetribute #contribution #opensource #mozilla #first #skill #good #code #help #bug
#contribution #opensource #mozilla #first #skill #good #code #help #bug
US Dept. of Interior Continues Boarding School Listening Sessions, Visits Minnesota #Community #Racism #7th_Listening_Session #Alaska_Native #Assistant_Secretary_of_Interior_Bryan_Newland #children #Contribution #Darren_Thompson #DOI #Federal_Indian_Boarding_School_Initiative #Investigation #Little_Otter_Singers #Mille_Lacs_Band_of_Ojibwe #Minnesota #native_american #NPR #Onamia #Ro
#Community #racism #7th_listening_session #alaska_native #assistant_secretary_of_interior_bryan_newland #children #contribution #darren_thompson #doi #federal_indian_boarding_school_initiative #investigation #little_otter_singers #mille_lacs_band_of_ojibwe #minnesota #native_american #npr #onamia #ro
A quotation from Carlin, George:
Religion — easily — has the Greatest Bullshit Story Ever Told! Think about it. Religion has convinced people that there’s an invisible man — living in the sky — who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #contribution #decalogue #God
Does anyone know how to properly contribute to nmap so that the contribution might actually get accepted?
They mention opening a pull request on github and mentioning that on the mailing list but at 220 open pulls and almost zero responses on the list that seems to be ineffective...eng
Before this year's Neos Conference we organized the Neos Contribution Day at which we paired long term Neos Team members with people interested in getting to know more about contributing to Neos.
For me it was a humbling experience and I love that Paula, a first-timer this year, shared her impressions with us in a blog post:
#neoscms #opensource #contribution
#OSM #Nantes #Contribution
L'ajout du jour : le bâtiment de l’École de design Nantes Atlantique dans le quartier des Machines. Avec un multipolygone pour le contour et des building:part pour identifier les parties et niveaux pour la 3D "simple" (ça n'a pas été si simple 😅) .
Au passage, il y a aussi 250 nouveaux appuis vélo sur le même site 😮
C'est dans et bientôt dans
S'il y a des pro de la 3D dans OSM, il ne faut pas hésiter à améliorer 🙂
RT @_FrontierSI_
FrontierSI has been shortlisted for the 2023 #Australian #Space Awards! 🛰 Our recognition for outstanding #contribution to the space industry reinforces the strength of our #service and #dedication to connecting with the #community. Learn more
#australian #Space #contribution #service #dedication #community
Still going... going... going... #dannykean #travelingpianoman #travelingpiano #travellingpiano #pianoman #pianoplayer
#thetravelingpianoman #music #musical #improvisation #improv #fun #friendship #respect #journey
#travel #roadtrip #syncronisity #spontenaiety #empowerment #inspiration #truck #piano #dog
#dogs #pup #dogsofmastodon #community #communityoutreach #homeless #sharing #contribution #people#nevada #usa #mainstreet #downtownlv #lasvegas #vegas #vegaslife #vegaslocals
#vegaslocal #vegasfun #downtownlasvegas #vegascommunity #lasvegaslocals #lasvegascommunity
#dtlv #dtlvfans #downtownlv #people #photography #photograph #photo #photos
#dannykean #travelingpianoman #travelingpiano #travellingpiano #pianoman #pianoplayer #thetravelingpianoman #music #musical #improvisation #improv #fun #friendship #respect #journey #travel #roadtrip #syncronisity #spontenaiety #empowerment #inspiration #truck #piano #dog #Dogs #pup #dogsofmastodon #community #communityoutreach #homeless #sharing #contribution #people #usa #mainstreet #downtownlv #lasvegas #vegas #vegaslife #vegaslocals #vegaslocal #vegasfun #downtownlasvegas #vegascommunity #lasvegaslocals #lasvegascommunity #dtlv #dtlvfans #photography #photograph #photo #photos
Looking to contribute art / music / editing to a project, if you have the need feel free to contact me! My needs are currently pretty minimal so I don't charge much at all, but I put my best foot forward and am always looking for places to apply myself, get in touch!
#Introduction #Work #Contribution #Art #Music #Video #Design #Production
#introduction #work #contribution #art #music #video #design #production
A quotation from Bible:
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #abilities #contribution #diversity #gifts #giftsfromGod #God #service #talents #variety
#quote #quotes #quotation #abilities #contribution #diversity #gifts #giftsfromgod #God #service #talents #variety
Penpot Libraries and Templates. How to create and contribute!
By sharing your template with the community, you help others benefit from your designs. We show you here how to share your templates.
#opensource #design #developer #contribution #community
Des développeurs russes empêchés de contribuer aux outils du logiciel libre, il n'est pas certain que cette mesure soit efficace #conflit_russoukrainien #russie #logiciel_libre #contribution #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #contribution #logiciel_libre #russie #conflit_russoukrainien