Now we know why Chomsky quotes:
Can't attack the character of a quote
& elitists can't radicalize the peaceful
It is #Regrettable that the #Author... invested the #Book w/ a lot of #MumboJumbo & #HocusPocus involving a #Talisman, a #Female #Witch, & #Ambiguous #Religious #Significance that results in a #Contrived, #Pretentious #Story...
- #Catholic #World's #Review of John #Steinbeck's last #Novel:
The #Winter of Our #Discontent (1961) - title from #Shakespeare's #Richard III:
"Now is the winter of our discontent
Made #Glorious #Summer by this sun [or son] of #York."
#regrettable #author #book #mumbojumbo #hocuspocus #talisman #female #witch #ambiguous #religious #significance #contrived #pretentious #story #catholic #world #review #steinbeck #novel #winter #discontent #shakespeare #richard #glorious #summer #york #writer #WritingCommunity
Imagine being a 1%'er and trying to conspire with others to devise a multi-year plan to get social media influencers to share more conservative values. Then 1 day one of them finally flat out buys the network you're all posting on.
And SOMEHOW 1% can't see themself in that mirror. #contrived
q-u-i-t-e the "influence"
#December 4, 1896
#OTD Edna Walling, #Australian #GardenDesigner & #Writer, is born.
Edna's #Naturalistic #Gardens never felt #Contrived or overly planned.
Edna #Randomly threw #Potatoes on the ground, & planted #Trees in those spots.
Even if potatoes landed almost on top of each other, Edna let the chips (or #PotatoChips 😂) fall where they may.
Edna embraced the #Beauty of #Random.
#Landscape #Design #Gardener #Plants #Flowers #DesignTricks #Hack #Nature #Wild
#December #otd #australian #gardendesigner #writer #Naturalistic #gardens #contrived #randomly #potatoes #trees #potatochips #beauty #random #landscape #design #gardener #plants #flowers #designtricks #hack #nature #wild #gardenersofmastodon
#falseChoice #twoParadigm #twoParty #twoPartySystem #contrived #forcedNews #paradox #paradoxical #moneyPrimary #moneyPrinting #billionaireClass #kleptocrats #wallstreet #bernieOrVest #yellowvest #corporatists #thirdParty #corporations #rankedChoiceVoting #greenParty #independant #giabo #neoed
#falseChoice #twoParadigm #twoParty #twopartysystem #contrived #forcedNews #paradox #paradoxical #moneyPrimary #moneyPrinting #billionaireclass #kleptocrats #wallstreet #BernieOrVest #yellowvest #corporatists #thirdParty #corporations #rankedchoicevoting #greenparty #independant #GIABO #NEOED