Bought a copy of #ControlGame on disc to replace my downloaded version, in part because the DLCs vanished when my PSN subscription lapsed.
So now I have to play through the whole game again to make sure the disc is good. To be a responsible consumer, you understand. 😁
Live now with Control! Finishing the AWE expansion and putting a stop to the good doctor!
#Control #RemedyGames #Playstation #ControlGame #JesseFaden #AlanWake #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream #twitchstreamer
#control #remedygames #playstation #controlgame #jessefaden #alanwake #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream #twitchstreamer
Live now with Control! Beginning the AWE expansion, baby baby yeah, O R A N G E P E E L...
#Control #RemedyGames #Playstation #ControlGame #JesseFaden #AlanWake #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream #twitchstreamer
#control #remedygames #playstation #controlgame #jessefaden #alanwake #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream #twitchstreamer
Live now with Control! In this Oldest House we do side quests.
#Control #RemedyGames #Playstation #ControlGame #JesseFaden #AlanWake #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream #twitchstreamer
#control #remedygames #playstation #controlgame #jessefaden #alanwake #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream #twitchstreamer
Live now with Control! We'll be coming face to face with our missing brother and exploring the Panopticon!
#Control #RemedyGames #Playstation #ControlGame #JesseFaden #AlanWake #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream
#control #remedygames #playstation #controlgame #jessefaden #alanwake #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream
Live now with Control! More weirdness continuing as we battle our way through the research department!
#Control #RemedyGames #Playstation #ControlGame #JesseFaden #AlanWake #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream
#control #remedygames #playstation #controlgame #jessefaden #alanwake #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream
Here's the schedule for this week! We'll be continuing our playthrough of Control on Tuesday and Saturday. We'll also be continuing our run of Zelda 2 as we go through the Ocean Palace on Thursday, see you tomorrow at 8pm!
#control #controlgame #remedygames #alanwake #zelda2 #theadventureoflink #thelegendofzelda #loz #zelda #link #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream
#control #controlgame #remedygames #alanwake #zelda2 #theadventureoflink #thelegendofzelda #loz #zelda #link #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream
Live now with Control! Come and join me as we continue through the maintenance level!
#Control #RemedyGames #Playstation #ControlGame #JesseFaden #AlanWake #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream
#control #remedygames #playstation #controlgame #jessefaden #alanwake #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream
Live now with Control! Come and join me as we start one of my favourite games of all time and we enter The Oldest House...
#Control #RemedyGames #Playstation #ControlGame #JesseFaden #AlanWake #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream
#control #remedygames #playstation #controlgame #jessefaden #alanwake #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream
Live now with Control! Come and join me as we start one of my favourite games of all time and we enter The Oldest House...
#Control #RemedyGames #Playstation #ControlGame #JesseFaden #AlanWake #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream
#control #remedygames #playstation #controlgame #jessefaden #alanwake #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream
Here's the schedule for this week! We'll be kicking off a new series of stream with one of my favourites, Control! We'll also be continuing Zelda 2 for our Year of Zelda and playing a bit of Mario Party for Midweek Multiplayer!
#control #remedygames #thelegendofzelda #theadventureoflink #zelda2 #mariopartysuperstars #marioparty #mario #link #zelda #controlgame #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream #streamschedule
#control #remedygames #thelegendofzelda #theadventureoflink #zelda2 #mariopartysuperstars #marioparty #mario #link #zelda #controlgame #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream #streamschedule
Here's the schedule for this week! We'll be kicking off a new series of stream with one of my favourites, Control! We'll also be continuing Zelda 2 for our Year of Zelda and playing a bit of Mario Party for Midweek Multiplayer!
#control #remedygames #thelegendofzelda #theadventureoflink #zelda2 #mariopartysuperstars #marioparty #mario #link #zelda #controlgame #smallstreamer #twitch #livestream #streamschedule
#control #remedygames #thelegendofzelda #theadventureoflink #zelda2 #mariopartysuperstars #marioparty #mario #link #zelda #controlgame #smallstreamer #twitch #Livestream #streamschedule
Polaris from Control - I made a gif
#ControlGame #Control #JesseFaden #DepartmentOfControl #RemedyGames
#remedygames #departmentofcontrol #JesseFaden #control #controlgame
Polaris from Control - I made a gif
#ControlGame #Control #JesseFaden #DepartmentOfControl RemedyGames
#departmentofcontrol #JesseFaden #control #controlgame
Polaris from Control
#ControlGame #Control #JesseFaden #DepartmentOfControl RemedyGames
#departmentofcontrol #JesseFaden #control #controlgame
Thanks for the walkman, Ahti. #Control #ControlGame #TakeControl
#control #controlgame #takecontrol
Suppose I should do this while it's still a thing.
Anyways, here are 10 games to get to know me by (in no specific order):
- #ControlGame
- #Skyrim
- #Cyberpunk2077
- #DragonAgeInquisition
- #MassEffectLegendaryEdition
- #Hacknet
- #CitiesSkylines
- #EliteDangerous
#controlgame #skyrim #everspace #doom #cyberpunk2077 #dragonageinquisition #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #hacknet #citiesskylines #EliteDangerous #gaming #videogames #gettoknowme
My Lighter Interests & Educational Pursuits #Introduction
#VideoGames #Furry #Writing #Charity
#HaloInfinite #TheElderScrolls #TES #Morrowind #Oblivion #Skyrim #StarWars #StarTrek #StudioGhibli #AssassinsCreed #BaldursGate3 #Hellblade #Witcher #Halo #HaloInfinite #DetroitBecomeHuman #ControlGame #JediFallenOrder #WhatNeverWas #FurryMemes #Anthro
#PersonalFinance #AdultEducation
#PovertyFinance #OpenBanking #YNAB #Credit #Investment #Economics #Autodidacticism #CopyWriting #Writing
#introduction #videogames #furry #writing #charity #HaloInfinite #theelderscrolls #tes #morrowind #oblivion #skyrim #starwars #startrek #studioghibli #assassinscreed #baldursgate3 #hellblade #witcher #halo #detroitbecomehuman #controlgame #jedifallenorder #whatneverwas #furrymemes #anthro #personalfinance #adulteducation #povertyfinance #openbanking #ynab #credit #investment #economics #autodidacticism #copywriting