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#voip #TheInternet #derascination #controlledDemolition #gottaResetTheInternet

Last updated 2 years ago

Ringo · @ringo
133 followers · 5468 posts · Server

> "there is no aim, its all emotional, all gut response." ~drq

You are too kind to NATO.

Its to bring down both countries.

Also to create divisions in larger society. If the people are divided and distracted they don't look at larger lies and ongoing and accelerated theft, derascination, murder.

Expect a soon, its been in the planning since cloudflare was founded (recently after crypto was discovered).

@drq @ZySoua

#cyberattack #controlledDemolition #bankerCrimes #freeassangenow

Last updated 3 years ago

^^^ The started in 2016, as the were never able to come to terms with the fact that diversity of thought really did exist.

Question for US, UK, Canada and NZ citizens:

Have your Land-Title Registries been privatised, placed into the hands of private equity?

If so, when? (please provide links)

#derangementSyndrome #corporateState #corporatecapture #post2016 #controlledDemolition #artificialImpoverishment

Last updated 3 years ago

Holo has the more holistic take.

Find 's War On Yugoslavia lecture. Then tell us they didn't de-develop the that was achieving greater and greater before the and .

If there's one thing we've learned over the past 20 years, bigger weapons don't make you better. They do make countries that use them mentally very hollow.
@Eris @mystik

#MichaelParenti #middleeast #socialProgress #derascination #controlledDemolition

Last updated 3 years ago

Its actually a . They get free because they are . *wink

Its the good people and the realProgressives these are pitted against. We've been predicting an attack against Chinese ppl since they made a , of themselves. Wonder if the servers are based in the like they did for and the ?

#doubleBluff #advertising #cloudflare #fascists #closedSilo #philippines #4chan #ChristchurchMassacre #controlledDemolition #cloudflareIsTheMalware

Last updated 3 years ago

Let us take the time now to congratulate those ultra-special medical scientists who not only built a but who used it to go back in time and test the on people 10 years ago.

Thank you

#timemachine #covid #vaccine #forced #COVID19 #controlledDemolition

Last updated 3 years ago

The of is in full swing, but are we swapping it for .

Think this collapse has anything to do with ? You may be interested to learn that the "gun deals" and laws for cops in to be was arranged late last year.

Other states, like , who think they're immune, should know 3 months ago announced - its all those "football riots" and , you see.

#controlledDemolition #neoliberalism #neofeudalism #COVID19 #victoria #militarised #adelaide #sa #militarisedCops #terrorism #VIC #auspol #degrowth #nsw #australia

Last updated 4 years ago